C H A P T E R - T W E L VE

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Serenity POV

My eyes burned as I sat at the meeting table, I held two things in my hands a gun in one and Halos pacifier in the other. The only sound in the room were that of King playing with his monster trucks behind me. I took a deep breath before standing from my seat "I gave all of y'all the chance to shut this shit down, and you didn't. My baby has been gone for the past two days because y'all couldn't put differences aside and work together" I yelled and locked eyes with Chres and Clarence.

I gripped onto the table when I felt another panic attack start to overwhelm me "I did the whole good wife stay home and let the men handle it but y'all fucked up and now I'm taking over" I yelled at them and tried to lower my heart rate.

Any one of them could have prevented this from happening but no they all had to one up each other, "Serenity calm down before you get sick you haven't slept at all" Alex said but I ignored him.

"I want to be briefed on everything in its entirety stop trying to protect me when you should have protected my children" I shouted and Alex along with Kings body guard held their heads down, I didn't mean to hurt them but I needed someone to feel the pain I felt.

"Boss you got a delivery" some said walking in with a small cardboard box and Chres reached for it.

"No give it to me" I said before taking the box, I was serious I was going to get Halo and Ace back and I wasn't going to be left out.

"X,O TIC TAC TOE" was sloppily written on a sticky note on top of the box "What the hell" I whispered and opened it.

I pulled out Polaroid pictures of Ace tied to a chair with a blindfold over his eyes and something was in his mouth, tears started to fill my eyes as I pulled out the next pictures of my baby in a dirty diaper sitting on the floor. The last thing I pulled out was a plastic ziplock bag, I had to examine for it minute before I noticed what it was.

A tiny toe.

I lost it and broke down crying, Chres ran over and pulled me into his arms as I screamed "My baby" I yelled out. They had hurt my baby my sweet girl who knew nothing but innocence.

"Cameron take her home, I'm killing everyone" Chres said in a voice that I had never heard before, I tried to cry out for him to take me but when I opened my mouth nothing came out except for vomit.

"Alex you go with them to" Chres said without looking in his direction, I held nothing against Alex but Chres felt like it was his fault that Halo was taken.

"No I'm the one who let her get away I have to be the one to find her" he protested in a matter of fact tone, I tried to speak once again but my heart felt like it was beating out of my chest.

I fumbled trying to take the safety off of my gun "I am coming too" I said but my gun was quickly taken from my hands and I watched as Cameron emptied the clip never taking his eyes off of mine.

"So you can shoot yourself too" he questioned and pulled me from Chres "You'll just get in the way Serenity let them handle it" he said and Chres nodded.

"So lets get this plan" Chres began to say but Clarence cut him off before he could finish speaking.

"We don't have time for plans the longer we take the more time they have and what comes next, Halos hand or Aces head" he harshly stated, my vision started getting blurry and I felt like I was going to faint when I pictured myself pulling he head from a box.

"We cant just go in blind, that's just begging to get us all killed we have to have a plan before we go into this, that's my daughter they're cutting-" Chres choked back tears "That's my daughter and I want her back" he said changing his sentence.

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