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DragonsJade Dormitory

POV : M/n Dranyunji

It was the first day of the new year at NRC and I immediately prayed to the Great Eight to spare my day with no trouble or problems. It might not work, but at least I tried. I got out of bed and did what I normally do in the bathroom before putting on my school uniform and heading out of the bathroom. I grabbed my magic pen and put into my chest pocket. 

As I head out of my room, I was greeted by the smell of something burning. And once again, my prayers were denied of having just ONE day of no trouble. I immediately went over to the kitchen and groaned at my troublesome zombie vice dorm leader, Hanfu. 

" Hanfu...." I glared at the startled and nervous zombie male with a few of the 3rd years. 

" H-Hey prefecttttt! You're looking mighty lovely today!" Hanfu grinned nervously. 

" Thank you, Hanfu. But may I ask," I felt my eye twitch in annoyance, " Why did I smell something burning from kitchen?" 

" Ahahaha... Well long story short, We tried to make breakfast!" The zombie smiled and rubbed his neck. 

I sighed and shook my head at him and the others, " Go wake up the others. I'll make breakfast." 

" Aye aye, Dorm leader!" They said and went to make their ways to wake up the rest of the residents of DragonsJade.

As they left the kitchen, I cleaned up their mess and threw away the burnt attempt they tried to cook and replaced it with ingredients  I would be using. Those idiots can't be in the kitchen without any supervision, even with Hanfu there. He'll just add in the trouble. But those are my idiots of my dorm. 

I thought of making congee porridge, though it reminded me of the heroine, Mulan, I still wanted to make it. I first washed the rice and let it cook in the pot before adding oil to the pan to cook the bacon and eggs. After step after step, I had finished all of the porridge bowls in time for the rest of the dorm members to arrive for their morning meal. 

" Thank you for the food, dorm leader!" They all said in unison. 

I merely smiled and sat down with them, " It's no problem, I'm not letting my members starve!" 

We all laughed and ate the porridge as some of the food lovers dramatically complimented my cooking. I waved them off with a thanks and playful eye roll. When the meal was finished, the 1st years were given their pendants and a small lecture. 

" Before you all head to your classes, I want no troubles reported to me about any of you. If I do, you shall be punished with either laundry duty, cleaning duty, dishes duty, or have stricter training. Am I clear?" I said to them. 

" Yes Dorm leader!" The 1st years all said. 

" Good. Now have a good first day at NRC!" I chuckled as they left to whatever they want before the bell rang. 

" Cya M/n-Ni!" Hanfu smiled and hugged me tight, " But I don't wanna go yetttt" 

" Hanfu, I'm gonna have to cut your hang out days with Floyd. Let go" I eyed him as he let go. 

" Wah, M/n's so mean" He pouted as Thaichi ruffled his hair. 

" Now now, the prefect's doing what he's comfortable with." He hummed. 

" Just get to class you two. And I better get no complaints from Riddle or Azul about you, Hanfu" I flicked his forehead making him whine as I head out of the dorm to Trein sensei's class.   

Oh my way there, I heard someone calling out my name through the halls. I turned around to see Trey walking up to me with a smile. I smiled back and greeted him. 

" Good morning Trey, how are you for today?" I crossed my arms. 

" Morning M/n. I've been well for the most part, but you know" He chuckled, " You ready for History?" 

"Absolutely, it's one of my best subjects, Trey" I replied as we walked to class together. We chatted with each other and Trey tried to crack me up with jokes he came up with, but to no avail. It takes a lot of crack me up! 

" So M/n, are you free this Friday?" Trey asked me with red blush dusted on his cheeks. 

" This friday? yes I'm free, why are you trying to take me out on a date, Trey?~" I teased making him nervously chuckle. 

" No n-no! I just wanted to have a day with you with baking... Though you can think of it as a date" Trey mumbled as I rose a brow at him with a teasing smirk. 

" My my, how bold of you, Clover" I laughed and put my finger under his chin, " Of course I'll hang out with you to bake this friday" 

" M-m/n stop that!" He exclaimed in a flustered tone as I snickered softly. 

" Aw but it's fun!" I said as we entered the classroom and sat in our seats. 

" It is not" He rolled his eyes. 

" Shush you liked it, clovey" I chuckled. 

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