💍sᴘᴇᴄɪᴀʟ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ : ɢʜᴏsᴛ ᴍᴀʀʀɪᴀɢᴇ [ Part 1 ]👻

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Ghost Marriage won the majority vote of 8+ votes I think! Thank you Riddle (@RiddleHearts20)for the idea!

Let's jump right on to it!

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It was 9 pm at night and M/n was accompanying Idia in the halls. Idia's new manga had arrived and he didn't want to go alone because Ortho was currently updating and recharging his battery, so he decided to ask M/n, who was still up at the time studying for an upcoming test. 

Idia felt bad for dragging him away from his studies, " Ah.. Sorry M/n-shi for having to walk with me to get my delivery..." 

' Though I do enjoy having to spend time with you' He wanted to add, but didn't want to embarrass himself. 

" Don't stress about it," M/n smiled, " It's a refresher for me to head out for a walk instead of spending my half of the night studying. Plus, it's been awhile since we last talked." 

The Ignihyde Dorm Leader's hair flared pink a bit and her nervously played with his eyes with a goofy smile, " I-I'm glad you think that, M-M/n-shi!" 

M/n chuckled as the two chat while heading along the halls to get Idia's delivery until M/n felt a pair of eyes staring into the back of his back that made him shudder, but he paid no mind to it at first. Then, he suddenly felt someone touch his hair and he froze and stopped walking. 

Idia noticed the sudden halt in M/n's steps and turned to him worriedly, " M/n-shi? Is... Is something wrong?" 

M/n shivered a little, " Is it just me or did it... get suddenly cold?", as he said that, he looked around. 

" Eh... I don't think it got colder.." Idia mumbles. 

" Maybe you're right... Did I eat something wrong for dinner?" M/n questions himself. 

" Finally..." The duo suddenly froze at the new voice. The voice wasn't anywhere familiar to them. 

" Who's there!?" M/n yelled, getting to a fighting stance with Idia behind him.  

Someone... no... not someone. Something. Something lunged at M/n and spun him around in the air. The two dorm leaders were confused and Idia was ready to save M/n from whatever is holding him. If it weren't for the next line...

" I finally found you! My lovely spouse!" A ghost dressed in formal and royal clothing exclaimed while holding M/n. 

" SPOUSE!?" Idia and M/n screamed. 

" Hold on a minute! I don't recall being engaged to anybody!" M/n yelled, trying to get away from the ghost. 

" Don't be like that, my dear! Oh we'll have the best wedding!" The ghost prince smiled with joy before looking at Idia, " And you shall be a guest of honor. Be glad that you are to witness the special ceremony!" 

" E-eh!?" Idia gulped, but deep inside, his cold flaming heart was hot, filled from jealously and anger. 

" I told you I'm not engaged to anyone! Let me go!" M/n squirmed, but the ghost had a good grip on him. 

" Let us get ready for our wedding! I shall have my mother and aunt be your bridesmaids!" The prince says. 

" I don't even know your name!?" M/n groaned. 

" It's Elliot, my dearest!" 


Night Raven College, Dragons Jade Dormitory

11 : 32 AM

Yuu, Grim, and their fellow dorm members were all at the lounge, doing whatever while waiting for their dorm leader, to arise and begin today's morning work out, but for an odd reason, M/n wasn't coming out of his room. They believed he was still asleep, but when time passed by, something was off. 

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