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3.3K Reads already!? Man you guys are too nice! And since I want to thank you guys, I'll give you guys a vote for a special chapter series at the end of this chapter! Read all of it til the end! I promise you guys are going to have a hard time trying to figure out which event you want ;) 

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <._.> 

Night Raven College , History (Class 3E)

- Pov : 3rd Person - 

As M/n and Trey entered their history class and sat down, Lilia had appeared right in front of M/n, startling the H/c male for a second. Trey blinked and looked at the pink highlight man with a look of surprise. 

" Lilia-san, good morning" M/n greeted, " How many times must I tell you to stop making a sudden appearance in front of me?" 

" Fufu, my sincere apologies M/n! But it's quite a fun delight to see you so startled!" Lilia grinned before taking his seat in front of the Dragons Jade Prefect just as when the History Class Teacher, Mr Trein, and his cat companion, Lucius, had entered the classroom. 

" Settle down, all of you. I presume all of you are prepared for this years studies and more." Mr Trein says as it was followed by a "Mrowww" from Lucius, " Take your notebooks and textbooks. Open to pages 506, we shall begin the lesson now." 

And as said, the 3rd students of Class 3E took out their notebooks and opened their textbooks to the page as Mr Trein begun the lesson. Some of the students started to become drowsy and almost ending up asleep while M/n, Trey (Thanks to M/n, pinching him awake), and a very few others were wide awake and taking notes. Mr Trein called on some students to read the next passages, waking some of them up and getting a scolding and stern look from the Professor. 

The bell rung, signalling first period has ended. Trein dismissed his class to send them to the next one. 

Night Raven College, PE Class

M/n headed over to PE locker rooms, where Cater and Rook greeted him and the other two, and changed to his PE clothes before heading out to the field. Coach Vargas blew his whistle to catch their attention. 

" Alright you wizards in training! Since you guys are 3rd years, you're expected to set a good example for those baby wizards! So give it all your all because I'm giving you tougher exercises!" Vargas exclaims earning some groans from the fellow 3rd years. 

" Coach Vargas is still the same as ever..." M/n sighed and shook his head, " My training lessons aren't too extreme on my dorm students." 

" Well you know him." Trey chuckled. 

" I want you to give me 40 laps around the field, 25 push ups, and 30 sit ups! Go! Go! Go!" Vargas blew his whistle. 

" Arghhh, too extreme~" Whined Cater, " Hey M/n~ Can you carry me? Pretty please?" 

" Cater, don't make M/n-" Trey was about to say but was cut off surprised by M/n picking Cater from his feet in Bridal Style. 

" Oh how strong you are, Roi de Force! (King Of Strength, I had no idea what else to call M/n)" Rook complimented. 

" Wai-wai-wait M/n! I-I was just kidding!" Cater turned beet red. 

" Sucks for you, Cay. Should've taken in back after you said that!" M/n grinned teasingly, " I'll put you down after 20 laps" 

And M/n began to run around the field with Cater in his arms as Trey, Lilia, and Rook followed behind. Trey was frowning behind Cater and M/n, feeling jealous that Cater was being carried. Rook also did feel a bit jealous, but paid no mind to it as he continued admire M/n. Lilia was just laughing at Cater's red face while he was being carried. 

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