-Chapter 14-

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A/n: I had realized way too late before publishing Chapter 13 that I went off track with the chapters. I truly apologize for that^^" I've been very busy to update this chapter. To make up for it, I will make this chapter be mainly about the Redo Unbirthday. And maybe give you guys small bits of [M/n] ships with certain characters. There will a second A/n at the end!

"[M/n] time to get up buddy" [___] called out his little brother, shaking his body a little to get him to wake up.

"Mmh... But I don't wanna.."  [M/n] whined and sleepily opened his eyes at his brother, "Can't I sleep in a little more gege..?" 

"I would say yes, but you got studies to do soon." [___] chuckled and ruffled [M/n]'s already messy bed hair, "Up you go, let the servants get you ready." 

"Yes gege.." [M/n] tiredly stood up and rubbed his eyes tiredly. 

Two servants entered his bedchamber with his outfit for today. He lets the servants undress him from his sleep wear into his today's outfit. Once the outfit was put on, [M/n] went to go brush his teeth and wash the tiredness from his eyes before having his hair done. The servants followed him as [M/n] made way to the dining hall to have breakfast with his family. 

His eyes brightened up and he ran to greet his mother, "Mother! Good morning!" 

"Oh good morning, my sweet boy" [M/n]'s mother smiled and laughed softly as she gave the h/c-ette a hug, "You're so eager this morning, my dear child." 

"Good morning, her majesty MingYue." [___] comes in and bows politely to [M/n]'s mother.

"Crown Prince [___], good morning." She smiles softly at [___] and bows back, "I hope you had a well rested sleep." 

"I did, your majesty." [___] took a seat at the table and opened his arms for [M/n], "How come you never gave gege a morning hug, [M/n]?"

[M/n] laughs adorably and rushes to give his brother a hug. The two brother laughed a bit as they hugged. [___] squishing M/n's cheeks. 

"Stopppp! My cheeks hurt gege!" [M/n] squirmed and pouts. 

[M/n]'s mother and brother just chuckled as [___] stopped squishing his cheeks. [M/n] looks around and doesn't see his father. 

"Is Father still sleeping?" [M/n] asked, tilting his head to the side. 

His mother's smile faltered a little, averting her eyes to the side, "No, but he ate breakfast earlier so he can get to work.." 

"Oh..." [M/n] looks down sadly, "Father's busy again..." 

"When is he never not busy." [___] grits his teeth and huffed, "The old man never has time for his family." 

"Crown Prince, you shouldn't say something about your father like that." MingYue frowns at [___], "He'll be able to have dinner with us tonight." 

"The moment that happens, he just ends up being busy with that work of his again." [___] clenched his fist and sighed, "Let's just hurry up with breakfast." 

Silence enters the room as the three ate their breakfast in awkward silence... 




[M/n] groans and opens his eyes, sitting up from his bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly. He looks over at the time. It was 5:08 am. He sighs and laid back down, staring at the ceiling of his bed blankly. Recalling the dream he had. It wasn't much of a dream, it was a memory. A hazy memory of his childhood. 

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