ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 12

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If this book reaches 60k reads, I'll write an special story of the "Married" M/n and Idia week, perhaps write Tsum Tsum event, or make a beach episode that'll involve a little spicy spicy~! Anyways, enjoy today's chapter everyone!

It has been 3 days into the first week of Royal Sword, M/n was quite enjoying himself there, it was calm and nice. A fresh breath of air from all of the Night Raven Chaos. But right now, he was getting ready for his 'date' with Cater at the newest Cafe in town. He wanted to be there a little early so he can book the two of them a table to sit at. He hums as he buttoned up his dove white blouse and slicked his hair back a little. 

" Woah! Looking might fine there, M/n!~" Chenya commented, surprising him as he turned around quickly

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" Woah! Looking might fine there, M/n!~" Chenya commented, surprising him as he turned around quickly. 

" Chenya! Don't do that!" M/n flicked Chenya's forehead, " You don't barge in like that! Actually, how did you get in here?!" 

" The door was unlocked~" Chenya grinned as M/n deadpanned at his response. 

" You don't just walk in when someone's changing!!" M/n scolded the cat beast man.

Soon enough, Chenya was kicked out of the room as M/n finished up dressing up. He told the others that he'll be out with one of his close friends and that he would be back by curfew. Earl and Neige told him to have a good day while the rest bid him goodbye. Now then, M/n was ready to go see Cater at the cafe. He set out of RSA's gates and heads down to the small town, finding the grand opening of the new cafe. 

From what he saw, it looked like a ordinary cafe from the outside, but the inside it was like the botanical garden at NRC. How interesting. A waiter came towards M/n and asked if he wanted a table for one, M/n answered that he'd like a table for two, his date, Cater, was gonna come soon. The waiter sat him down at one of the best 2 seats and hands him a menu for him to look over it until Cater came. 

A few minutes later, Cater arrived and he was panting. Perhaps he was running his way here to get in time. M/n waved Cater over and the strawberry blonde walked over him with a breathy smile. 

" Sorry If I was late, N/n!" Cater grinned as he sat down and grabbed a menu, " I may have over slept" 

M/n let out a chuckle and moves some of his hair away from his face, "It's not a problem, Cater, I just got here a few minutes ago, don't worry." 

"You look great! I should've dressed more formal like you..." Cater muttered with a pout. 

" I think you look great, Cate"M/n hums and puts a finger under Cater's chin with a smile, " What you're wearing right now looks wonderful on you~" 

Cater blushed brightly and began to say some gibberish before a server came over to them. 

" Hello I am M.I, your server for today!" M.I ( @LordHelpMe0_0 )  smiled at the both of them, "What would you two gentlemen like to order?" 

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