M/n Dranyuji and Deuce Spade Birthday Special : June 3rd

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" Happy Birthday Dorm Leader!" Shouted the students of Dragons Jade as Headmaster Crowley stepped on forward with the H/c male's birthday suit. 

" Oh my Eights, thank you everyone," M/n smiled as he was handed the birthday suit, " I didn't think to get a birthday greeting and suit!" 

Hanfu had M/n sit down on one of the lounge chairs as Nikolai, Grim, and Yuu brought out a birthday cake, M/n's favorite dish, and a glass of Green Tea mixed with Sparkling Soda. Everyone in the dorm began to wish their Dorm leader a happy blessed birthday and took it upon themselves to stop and not cause any trouble and problems for M/n. They wanted him to have a relaxing birthday. 

After that, it was time for the gifts. Dragons Jade's gifts were all falcon feathers, a bottle of crystalized dragon's tears colored green, seals, summon stickers, and many thank you appreciation notes. M/n was touched and each gave his dorm members and heart felt hug, thanking them for the gift. 

But that wasn't all. The other seven dorms were on the gift giving to M/n operation as well. The first dorm to arrive to the party was Heartslabyul, but only 5 of them came. Riddle's explanation for that was because most of them had forgotten to do their tasks and will come by shortly after completing the task. Their gifts were very sweet.

Riddle had gave M/n a golden pendant of a heart in a rose, Trey gave him a yummy (Fav. Desert), Cater gifted him a matching phone charm to his charm with an additional phone charm of a jade, and as for the Adeuce duo, they had painted roses with special smells to them. 

" My Deuce, We have the same birthday, so in return I'll give you this and a free pass to come to Dragons Jade Training sessions" M/n smiled and handed the Spade boy a Dragons Jade training uniform special. It had the Heartslabyul colors and a spade pendant on the pocket.

Deuce turned red in embarrassment, "T-Thank you Dranyuji-senpai!"

" It's nothing, Deuce." M/n says, "And just call me M/n, birthday brother" 

Up next was SavanaClaw. Leona had surprisingly came, considering that he never likes these types of events, and gave M/n a necklace with a tooth of a carnivore. Ruggie gave him two presents, one was a shirt and the other was a hyena bracelet. Jack had presented M/n with a bow and a cactus he grew. Jack also gave one to Deuce. 

Then it was Octavinelle. Azul's gift was a replica of his seashell necklace to match. Floyd's gift was a hand-picked shells mixed into a bottle of colored sand. Looks like Hanfu taught him about sand bottle displays. Don't get me started on Jade's, Floyd had almost tried to smash it. You guessed it was one of his terrariums with the mushroom inside. 

" I appreciate the gift, Jade. Don't worry," M/n tried to comfort him as the mushroom was kinda... out of place thanks to Floyd, " It's a sweet gift, very beautiful." 

" Thank you M/n-Senpai" Jade mumbles. 

Scarabia came over and Jamil was holding some of the gifts Kalim had bought for M/n. Kalim's gifts were full of jewelry and other items from his homeland while Jamil's gift was a handmade dish from the Scorching Sands. M/n was delighted by the gifts, but overwhelmed with the amount of gifts. He gave some of them to Deuce, so he didn't felt left out. 

Then Pomefiore had came in. Of course it was beauty products from Vil. The Best of the best kinds he says. Rook's was interesting, it was a poem ode to M/n. It sounded like a confession to be honest. And as for Epel, he had made apple carvings for both M/n and Deuce. 

Ignihyde came over to drop off the gifts but sadly couldn't stay. Idia had offered to play the game he gifted M/n later at night as Ortho gave a happy birthday hug to M/n and played the song in autotune for funsy. 

Lastly, Diasomnia came to the party. Though the others were intimidated by Malleus,  Dragons Jade had welcomed them warmly. Malleus kissed M/n's hand and handed over a Gargoyle figure and a garment dress from his homeland. Lilia had gave M/n a slice of cake from his cooking, don't worry, Silver helped him. Sebek had came to give his blessings of a happy birthday boys. 

As the party was going to be over, Crowley had announced that a package came for M/n. The H/c-ette male paled and knew who the package was from. Everyone was questioning who on Twisted Wonderland would gift such a huge package. 

" It's from my cousin, Yi'er... He goes to RSA." M/n sighs and decided to look what was inside the package and deadpanned at the many flower bouquets and jewels from their homeland, " Can this cousin of mine just send a text of 'Happy Birthday' and not send me so many flowers and jewels?" 

Crowley tried to take some, but Thaichi stopped him before M/n saw. It was an eventful birthday party for two boys.  

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LordHelpMe0_0 Thanks for the fanart and they look spectacular! He looks so magnifique! 

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LordHelpMe0_0 Thanks for the fanart and they look spectacular! He looks so magnifique! 

Maybe I should image M/n in some of the 7 dorm uniforms or in Fairy Gala. 

Also quick question, when this book comes to an end, would you rather... 

See M/n be the overblot due to family and peer pressure 

or Yuu, having to deal with Crowley and the overblots? 

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