Chapter 5: Lost in skull island

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Yang: Ruby! Ruby!

Blake: Weiss! Weiss!

They hear rustling to there right they get there weapons ready and see Ruby walking out and a few other survivors.

Yang: Ruby!

Yang ran towards Ruby while Whitley scoffed but as Yang got closer she saw Ruby face and knew something was wrong.

Yang: Ruby what's wrong?

Ruby: I tried to get Weiss but that creature that attacked us got her first.

Ruby shows Weiss weapon and her teammates all gasped.

Ruby: But I have a feeling he won't kill her.

Blake: What makes you do sure?

Ruby: I don't know I just am. Weiss please be ok.

Then one of the soldiers radio was going off.

Ben: Report can anybody hear me. I repeat can anybody hear me.

James: Report me and Jason are alive. And we just found Jacques.

Then one of the other soldiers responds.

Soldier 8: We're alive too. But most of our soldiers are dead and one is missing.

Ben: *Sighs* Alright you know the drill we need to make it back to the boat we only got five days.

Soldier 8: Roger that.

Back with Ben he looks at the soldiers who have survived.

Ben: Alright let's go!

All the soldiers got up ready to leave but Ben spotted one who was wearing a hat over his head trying to hide his face and eyes but knew who it was he immediately yanks the hat off of him and revealed to be Jimmy.

Jimmy: Just keep walking Mr Hayes just pretend you didn't see me.

Ben: God damit Jimmy!

He then takes the gun away from Jimmy.

Jimmy: Hey I need that.

Ben: I'm not giving you a gun!

Jimmy: You were younger then me when they gave you one!

Ben: I was in the army back then. I was trained. I had a drill sergeant.

Jimmy: You're always telling me to always do the right thing and I know joining you and the others is right. I can't just sit in the back while everyone is fighting to survive. Please Ben.

Even tho Ben didn't show it he was surprised that he used his first name and was moved a little by his words he eventually gave in and give Jimmy his gun back. As soon as Jimmy was about to walk off Ben still held it meaning he had one more thing to say to Jimmy. Jimmy then looked at him.

Ben: Don't make me regret it.

Jimmy nodded Ben let go and walked off with the rest of the soldiers. One of the soldiers walked up to Ben.

Soldier: You know he wants to be exactly like you.

Ben: That's what worries me. I don't want him to fallow my foot steps I want him to fallow his own. I want him to be his own man.

Soldier: Well if you ask me. You better tell him this stuff now. You never know if today will be your last day to live. Especially since we're in this fucked up island.

Ben looks at the soldier who begins to walk away but made a good point he then begins to walk himself.

With Jason and James.

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