Chapter 8: Beauty and the beast

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Ok so I want to clear up I changed another thing originally it was going to be they have to get to the boat in 4 days but I changed it to five just a small update hopefully the last enjoy

Weiss was patiently waiting for Kong but then feels the ground rumble she looks behind her and sees Kong.

Weiss: You've arrived. Good to see you I guess.

Kong nods as he sits next to her they both stayed silent until Kong looks at Weiss and noticed the scare on her eye. Kong out of curiosity leaned his finger to the scare on her eye but carefully touched it Weiss eyes widened seeing how he noticed her scare he then leaned his finger back.

Weiss: Oh this. I uhhh got it from a battle. I was battling a Arma Gigas and I won but it gave me this.

She points at her scare.

Weiss: And well even tho I won. My father wasn't happy with my scare. He was like. (Mimicking Jacques voice) How could you let this happen. How could let an ugly scare be put on your face. You'll need plastic surgery.

Kong begins to chuckle at Weiss mimicking Jacques and Weiss begins to chuckle but then stops as she looks down at the ground.

Weiss: My father always wanted me to be perfect. I had to look perfect I had to act perfect everything had to be perfect. But it wasn't enough. But there was one person who thought I was perfect enough. Who not only appreciated my beauty but also me as a person. But instead excepting him.

She then begins to tear up and tears fall down to the ground and Weiss couldn't hold it in. She began to cry.

Weiss: *Crying* I treated him like dirt. I said that he was an annoyance. I said that he wouldn't be a huntsman and instead a liability. I told him that Ozpin made a mistake letting him in but... That's not true. He would have been a great huntsman. He was a great person and... I love him. I don't deserve to have friends. I don't deserve to be a beacon Y/N dose. I'm a failure.

Kong shacks his head no.

Weiss: But it's true. I hurt people Y/N helps people.

Weiss covers her eyes while she continues to cry Kong gently puffs as he uses his finger to gently rub Weiss back to comfort her but it wasn't working he then looks around trying to think of an idea but then he has an idea. He's hesitant but he wants to cheer Weiss up who he gets up grabs a rock and starts to carving something on the wall finally it was done Weiss looks up and her eyes widened by what she is seeing. It was Writing and the one who wrote it was Kong and it read.

Your a good person. You made a mistake but you learned from it. And if I was Y/N I would forgive you.

Weiss covers her mouth and begins to tear up again but then she wiped the tears in her eyes and smiled.

Weiss: Thank you.

Kong then nods his head. Weiss then noticed Kong's scare on his chest.

Weiss: I guess I'm not the only one with a scare huh?

Then out of no where Weiss stomach begins to growl Weiss chuckles nervously as Kong leans his hand down Weiss got on and Kong began to walk out the cave as he knew Weiss needed food so he was looking for a apple tree eventually he finds a patch and places his hand down to the ground so Weiss can get down Kong then looks around for a meal he could eat.

Weiss: Don't worry I'll be alright.

Kong puffs unsure.

Weiss: I'll be fine. Go.

Kong looks at Weiss a bit but then he walks off to find food Weiss then uses her glyphs to jump up from glyphs to glyphs then she landed on a branch she plucked a few apples then jumped down then began to eat it she walked to a rock and sat on it and continued to eat her apple but then she sees something run across the tall grass she immediately got up she packed away a bit then the creatures revealed them selves from the tall grass.

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