A fucking pebble.

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When Harry went back to Hogwarts for his sixth year, he didn't expect everything to change. He didn't expect to walk into Hermione, Ron and Ginny's conversation about how they were using him for money and how Ginny would marry him for inheritance - despite his lack of interest for her, or women of any kind actually. He didn't mean to go to Gringott's to withdraw money and find out he is a desendant of the founder's of Hogwart's or that Dumbledore had blocks on his magic and inheritance. However, he did mean to deny all access of said bank accounts to anyone not in Potter by name. And, he did mean to go lurking through Hermione's things at the Burrow to "borrow" a time turner. Obviously, Harry was only looking for a little revenge - pranking was in his blood for a reason. Maybe keep messing Hermione and Ron's homework up and taunting them until he could ditch them.

He didn't mean to get sucked into the past with a backpack full of weed. 

Yes, you read correctly. This is [Harry Potter In Time But He's A Stoner.]

He got the weed from his infamous cousin, Dudley Dursley. After Dumbledore had sent Harry back to the Dursley's in 2nd year, Harry had caught Dudley in a little "smoke session" after Vernon and Petunia had gone to Petunia's great-aunt's-third-removed something-or-other's wedding for the weekend. He had caught him smoking in plain sight, because Dudley didn't care, and had joined him after assuring his pig-faced cousin he wouldn't tell. Not that they would've believed him. 

They kept having these little sessions until they became closer and merely put up an act infront of Vernon to slow the punishment Harry would get from him. It was a small, silent and most definately unbreakable truce between them from there on out. Every once in a while Dudley would be busy with school work - being stupid made him need extra tutoring classes - so Harry had to pick up the "spice" from the dealer, which was easy because he could just wear glamour and never get caught. But one feeble night in the summer holidays Harry had been walking back from the deal with a shit ton of weed. His backpack wasn't necessarily big on him - it only on average fitting his school folders and pencil case on a good day when he was in middle school - but now it was stuffed full of an illegal substance that he was meant to carry 15 streets back to the Dursley's house, without a glamour because he was - well, tired.

You must be wondering, "Why does he have a bag full of weed?" Well the answer is simple - Dudley was throwing a party. And Dudley being Dudley, he needed it to get people to come. So while Dudley was setting up (stealing alcohol should Harry correct) Harry had to go and make the drug deal. But, if you couldn't tell from the title, something doesn't go quite as Harry would've liked - at all. 

He was on his way down to his house on Privet Drive, he could hear the music thumping, the people talking and laughing, he could see the lights from the house, and he could smell the leftover toxins emitting from the house already and in his exhaustion, he tripped over a pebble on the street - a fucking pebble - and smashed his face to the ground. He had scratches over his face and marks that would leave bruises but what he cared about most was the semi broken, spinning time-turner that is still wrapped around his neck after being crushed by his bodyweight. He wondered why it didn't take much to break such a powerful object as Harry didn't exactly weigh much. 

Suddenly, his head felt dizzy and the ground started spinning and Harry felt the oh-so-familiar tug in the bottom of his gut that tells him something is about to go terribly wrong. The last thing Harry saw was the sight of the dust on ground spinning around him and he managed to mutter that of a word and a half. "Oh shi-"

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