Harry hits a coma... hard.

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Harry's eyes were dilated as fuck and he just threw his head back to be staring up at the spinning ceiling on the wall. "You sure you're actually okay?" the deeper voice asked. And Harry just nodded again. "James you help him up and I'll tell Mcgonagall that he wasn't feeling well and that you've taken him to Madame Pomfrey-" The voice was cut off as Harry swung his head to look at two vibrantly green eyes that resembled his own. I wonder how that's happened. "No, no," he flopped around like a fish out of water while his arms failed at pushing the person away, "I'm not going to the nurse, I'm going back to my room-thingy and I'm going to sleep through the next 7 periods and hopefully my death. Okay. Okay byeeeee," he finally managed to stand again and leant onto James who was eventually used as propeller as Harry pushed himself down the corridor and through the halls of Hogwarts like Barry from Jetpack Joyride, leaving two extremely confused 6th years alone in the corridor. "Is he going to be okay getting up the stairs, they move and he's not moving very well?" James was nearly pissing himself as his anonymous counterpart said that. "Of course he's not going to be Lily, but he's determined and a Gryffindor... i'm sure he'll be okay?" "Was that a question James?" Lily asked James. "Me? Not have the answers? Your minimal faith wounds me my dear?" "Ha okay honey boo boo bear." Lily mocks as they both laugh. James cast a quick cleansing charm over himself that still did not make him feel any cleaner of Harry's sick than when he was covered in it so as Lily entered the classroom, he excused himself again to the bathroom feeling a little pitiful for his newfound friend who had just managed to embarrass himself in front of the majority of Slytherin gang. Unfortunately for James, he had no clue how much of spectacle Harry was truly capable of making himself into - must just be following in his father's footsteps.

On the other side of Hogwarts, Harry had not stumbled up the stairs to the Gryffindor dorm unsurprisingly and instead was slowly advancing in an unknown direction  towards a large wall. He recognised this wall but in his crashing mind did not have a clue where from. Now, Harry never really considered himself emotional under the influence but with this mass influx in stress over the 20 year time period, Harry felt that he had simultaneously aged 20 years and not been born - more weight on his shoulders if those prominent eye-bags had to say anything for it - but he felt himself edging slowly into tears and wished nothing more to be out of the halls and into a familiar environment, preferably one that had less bricks and more soft toys and food. 

Then there he was. In a room, not full with plushies causing Harry to pout like an absolute baby, but in a room decorated with green hues along the walls and dark, forest curtains that blocked out the 'sun' that would be radiating from outside. A large king sized bed sat temptingly in the middle of the room and the room stretched far accompanied by a cute fireplace and sofa set which looked just about as comfy as the bed if Harry had to say anything about it. But Harry didn't have much to say considering he was high off of his bollocks and all he was connecting was that he wished for a bed and shit appeared. What the fuck! It was his yearly reminder that magic does in fact exist and that without it, Harry was certain right now he would be collapsed on the floor of a random Scottish castle balling his eyes out at something stupid. Probably a dead bee, or a crushed daisy - you know, the relatable stuff. It didn't take him long to find refuge in the soft covers of the bed that was practically singing prayers to him like a siren since he entered the room. Then he was gone, knocked out, taken by the darkness if you prefer something a little sinister. Either way, Harry was not waking up any time soon off of his own accord. Nuh uh. His last thought before he fell asleep was that he feels bad for the poor bugger who he threw up on and that he missed Draco bloody Malfoy so much he'd cried over it. God he wasn't an emotional drunk, he was pathetic. 

The next person who had entered the Marauder dorm was Remus Lupin, the mysterious casanova himself. Lupin was the first of the boys to question Harry's arrival but he could tell that he was no longer the only one that was worried and a little unnerved by the boy after that show that he had made in Mcgonagals. At the time, it had been easy to brush off the boys antics as humour and a little delirium - Dumbledore had said that he was a transfer but that doesn't mean that he was from a magical school, Remus certainly wouldn't have been if not for Hogwarts but its improbable due to Harry's wandless and undetectable magic that he had already revealed to the boys. So whoop-de-doo, what on earth was wrong with him? Remus hadn't been this confused since Lily had decided to cut her hair short without consulting him first and led him down a spiral of what could possibly be wrong. 

On another note, as Remus sat across from Sirius on his bed, James and Peter laughed as they walked into the room and collapsed star-fishing on their own beds. You could tell from a mile away that the two boys had grown up together just by how similar their behaviour was and it made Remus smile knowing that their group was so nice. It was peace for a few minutes but if you didn't already know, barely anything stayed peaceful in the Marauders group, especially with the arrival of their newest dorm mate. 

Speaking of their dorm mate, where the fuck was Harry? Remus, once again the observer, was the first to notice the boys absence. 

"Um guys," Remus began as he caught the attention of the whole group, James and Peter immediately stopping their conversation and Sirius looking up from his book in his lap, "Did any of you see Harry after Minnie's?" It was now creeping into nightfall and none of the boys had caught any sight of Harry at dinner or at any of his timetabled classes. They'd not even heard a peep of him all day, despite the number of times people had mentioned him in passing throughout then. 

"Oh shit." That was James. 

"He probably went to Poppy's?" Peter chimed in but slowly drifted out as he saw James becoming more and more unravelled behind the eyes. 

"No he flat out refused to go. Said he was coming here to sleep for the 'next seven periods' or something." James looked visibly worried as he looked over at the messy bed that did not contain a young Harry Dursley as he said there would be. 

Sirius stood from his place on Remus' bed and walked over to fully open the curtains and noticed the lump beneath the blanket. "Guys stop he's just under the covers." And Sirius peeled the blanket back, and all the rest of the boys stood around the bed, and from the sound of Sirius' shriek, the entirety of Hogwarts house could tell that Harry was NOT what they found under the covers. 

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