Meeting! Again?

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"You've just been caught Siri," one the 4 boys wheezed but Harry wasn't really paying attention to that, but more to the nickname used. "Siri," Harry breathed back out, it lingering on his tongue for seconds too long and surprising himself with his never forgotton memory of his last family and what he witnessed. It was enough to bring near tears to the young boys eyes, tears he refused to let fall in realisation he hadn't actually met this man yet (or been born yet but Harry got too weirded out every time he thought about it so he let himself forget for brief moments).

"What was that?" The boy now identified as 'Siri' was stood in place looking in wonder at his target. "Nothing," Harry laughed out "Just remebered something." He even cringed at himself at that excuse being the most cliche thing he had ever said. Ever. 

"Anways," Siri started, sitting down next to Harry, who'd removed his feet from the seat, and thrusted his hand towards the boy, "I'm Sirius Black, but you may call me King." Sirius introduced himself grinning and the reader boy across from him slammed his book shut at the others stupidity. "Ignore him please, I'm Remus. Remus Lupin, nice to meet you." Remus introduced himself placing his book into his bag. 

"I'm Peter Pettigrew, but just call me Peter please." Harry's face broke into the most chaviest, judgemental look he could muster without realising it and he swore he tasted sick in his mouth for the first time since his last encounter with the rodent himslelf. Not that Harry would admit, the young Peter did seem nicer and looked alot more maintained than the mental state of a shitbag human that he had met before. 

"What else is he gonna call you, Pete?" The last boy laughed out and Harry only assumed that he wouldn't be able to breath at the sight of him. And he was right. "I'm James Potter, pleased to make your aquaintance." Harry's breath literally caught in his throat. He had got no memories of his parents, the only thing he could rely on was Petunia's accounts of his 'freak of a mother' and Snape's distaste for his father and now he had finally met him. It did hurt Harry a little that his dad didn't know who he was but he was just being fucking ridiculous and forgetting about the FUCKING TIME PERIOD so he let himself swallow his thoughts and smiled at the boys. 

"I'm Harry, Just Harry." He got deja vu and also felt himself curl into himself at the way his young self would act. "No last name? Cool, mysterious." He giggled at his dads response and he felt his heart warm a bit from the interaction. 

After this, Sirius decided to strike up conversation seemingly forgetting to apologise for how Harry actually met him and instead Harry noticed how much sirius talked with his hands (the sharpie still in them) which he smiled fondly at the long lost habit of his dead god-father. Conversation lasted like this for a while as the train sped forward to the safest place in the wizarding world when the door to the compartment swung open. 

"You better put your robes on before Mcgonagall dangles you from the roof in them." Harry didn't recognise the voice but he knew by her distinct ginger hair, the way her smile curved and her eyes lit up. It was his mother. Lily Potter.  

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