Chapter 5 - The attack

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Elektra's pov:

It's been two days since my father returned to the pack and yet he didn't mention me anything about the way I handled the matter of the trespasser. I was in the training fields doing my daily schedule when Jordan showed up. I wonder what he wants. I am convinced that he must have already informed my father about the trespasser theme and surely the way he presented facts didn't favour me at all.  
-"Come here Elektra. I want to speak to you!" he said in a way that seemed like an order.
-"Don't you see I am training right now?" I said annoyed.
-"Are you ignoring a Beta's order? Isn't the terrible mistake you made with the rogue enough to make you want to do another?" he asked sarcastically.
-"Ι am not ignoring anything. I am just training Beta. What is it so important to interrupt my training?"
-"Your position as the future Alpha of this pack".
-"The theme that always bothers you. What about it?" I commented indifferently.
-"Do you not already understand that I did not say anything to your father about your actions? And that I have forbidden anyone in this pack to mention it?"
-"I didn't ask you to do such thing! Why did you do it anyway?" I contradicted.
-"For your own sake. What else?"
-"Yes yes....I imagine.... And what exactly do you want from me now?"
-"To make a deal"
-"A deal? What sort of deal?"
-"I will remain silent about your mistake as long as you accept my son as your mate"
-"Are you crazy? You know very well that mates are arranged by the Goddess not you! I can't accept something like this when both your son and I haven't found our mates yet" I scolded.
-"You are already twenty five. How long do you think you can wait?"
-"Αs long as it takes. It's not an issue that concerns you!"
-"On the contrary, I am particularly concerned if you will be the Alpha of this pack"
-"This is something to worry about when I'll become Alpha.....Don't you think?"
-"A good Beta cares about everything at all times" he replied coolly.
-"Whatever. Just so you know, I'm not going to make any deal with you at all" I told him firmly.
-"Don't rush so much! If I were you I would think better of it."
-"Thanks but I do not remember asking for your opinion."
-"Just because I am compassionate and fair, I will give you five days to decide. When you decide you know where you will find me" he said arrogantly and left.
-"What an asshole! This man always manages to irritate me! Who does he think he is? How dare he blackmail me? The father needs to know about this. In fact, I'll go to his office now to tell him everything."
-"Wait! Don't be so impulsive! Take this five day deadline and we will find a way to expose this bastard! I suggest we go for a walk in the woods to decompress," Frosty said in my head.
-"That's a wonderful idea! We haven't gone to the woods for a long time" I agreed and added"I am dying to do some hunting and walk around the forest without caring about anything!" I said excited.

-"Me too! The unfortunate is that the pack conference ended three days ago. He probably won't show up!"

-"Who?" I wondered.

-"The hottie!" Frosty said cunningly.

-"Hottie whom?"

-"Alexander! Who else?"

-"Oh's a real pity!" 

-"You like this man....." Frosty commented naughtily.

-"You don't? I won't deny it! Although he isn't my mate, he fascinates me! He is really very charming!" I confessed.

-"Someone is in love....Someone wants to kiss Alexander and do unspeakable things to him" Frosty began to sign over and over inside my head.

-"Cut it out!" I scolded her while she kept mocking me. "You know it isn't funny!" I protested but she ignored me and kept singing the little song she has made.

Defeated I headed to the forest. When I got far from the visual field of the pack, I shifted to my wolf, took my clothes in my mouth and started pacing. I'm not falling for that one again....
I was wandering around the forest for a couple of hours playing, hunting small animals, running through the forest. Although I knew it was extremely unlikely that I would ever see Alexander again, I was hoping I would. It was already noon when I reached the lake a little bit disappointed. I was drinking some water when I heard a branch brake. I looked around and sniffed the area. Α bad smell prevailed in the air.... "Rogues!" Frosty and I said simultaneously. I prepared myself for battle as I was sure the smell was very close to where I was. A few seconds passed when three rogues appeared from the trees. They were large with black fur and red eyes. They started moving towards me menacingly. When they got close enough to me, they circled me. My claws elongated and I growled warningly.
-"We are screwed" Frosty commented!
-"Don't be so pessimist! We can handle it" I reassured her. Sometimes I just can't understand Frosty. She can be such a wimp!
The larger one attacked me first while the others stood behind him and watched. I skillfully avoided any of his blows for a few seconds when the other two decided to attack me as well. I was fighting with three and although I was more skilled than them I knew I would soon get tired and that would give them the advantage of winning me over. That was something I could not allow. I had to do something and fast! I didn't want to ask for help at the moment. I knew my father would be furious that I disobeyed his orders. The only way for me to win was to move fast and strike them at their weaknesses.
First, I attacked the smallest one, managing to knock him down with a strong bite in the neck. Then I faced the other two who were ready to attack me. After I managed to avoid some blows, one of them bit my leg. Although it would heal quickly, the pain completely disoriented me in battle. This was due to the fact that the bite of a rogue has rabies and as the minutes go by, it infects your whole body with very bad results. If one does not go to the hospital on time, one will end up a rogue or worse. His wolf will take full control of his body and he will never be able to shift into his human form again. The only wolves that can not be infected are the high ranked wolves and the Lycans of course!
I knew it would fail to infect me, but it hurt a lot. Τhe pain was excruciating! I tried to compose myself and continue fighting against them. I attacked one of them, managing to hit him in the side. He fell down and I went over him to finish him. Unfortunately, I didn't make it as the second one came from behind me and attacked me managing to hit me in the ribs and face. I was down with the two wolves standing menacingly above me, ready to attack me. My mind was working at a crazy pace trying to find a way to deal with them. My wolf was healing me, so I was the only one left to fight them. Fortunately, after considering all the possibilities, I quickly came up with an escape plan. All I had to do was wait for them to make the first move and when I had the chance I would counterattack! One of them opened his mouth ready to bite me. I stood still and waited for the night moment when absolutely nothing happened!
I got up on my front legs and looked around only to realize that the wolves were gone. But why?
They obviously had the upper hand. Then why did they leave?
My questions were quickly answered as one familiar face stood in front of me offering his hand making me smile. I went behind some trees and shifted into my human form while the man waited for me.

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