Timinette Chapter 1

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As soon as the blue eyed girl had finished her explanation, she had found herself trapped in four hugs. One from Dick, claiming that even if she wasn't a hero, she shouldn't have to go through that (she agreed to that), one from Louis Lane, shortly later by her younger son Jon and than in one from Tim. If they realized that her face afterwards was a bit red, nobody said anything. While her experience with Adrien showed her to not just fall for someone, she needed to sadly admit to herself that the hug had made her feel save. Had made her feel strangely wanted in another's live. And while they probably knew each other personality wise better than she had known Adrien at the time, she found herself not wanting to crush on the older boy. Not because he wasn't good looking, heaven no, also not because she feared that their personalities would clash. No, it was because he would leave after the holiday, meet a nice, better looking and on top of all rich girl that the other Waynes would approve of, and then slowly forget her while she would be left with her broken heart. But it was no use. Having talked to him at least three times a week over the course of two years and now actually meeting him only pushed those all to familiar feelings up to the surface. But she needed to admit, it was nicer than it was with Adrien. The feelings where calm, nice and like a warm blanket settling around her and getting her face to heat up. With Adrien it had been like a firework. Shooting up. Unpredictable and dangerous. Looking around after she was released from his hug, she realized that they were just over the street from her school, where Chloe stood, looking ready to storm over and kidnap her from a very rich family, that felt more homie than her own at the moment, and a famous reporter couple and their sons. Saying goodbye and promising that she would introduce them to her favorite spots in paris after school (how Dick, Tim, Louis, Clark and Bruce talked her into this she didn't know), and getting the allowance to bring a friend from Damien (since when does a 16- year old need the allowance of a ten year old boy to meet with her friend she didn't understand) and went to Chloe, greeting her with a handshake they and Luka came up with. "You look good. Well, for someone who looks like she just died from someone giving them a hug Mar." Chloe greeted her. "Oh shut up. Do I need to remind you how red you were when Chat hugged you? I know it was because of anger, but are you sure you of all people should talk about someone being red after getting hugged?" That caused the blonde to roll her eyes. "Well, want to bet what Lila is going to talk about today?" "Hmm. Considering she said some days ago that it was something with a secret, probably about a very rich family or something like that, who don't live in Paris so that they will never know and they can't sue her. Which reminds me. The family and family friends of the boy who hugged me asked if I can show them around paris. They are tourists, and yes, I did warn them of Hawkmoth. So don't even think about giving me that look. Either way. They agreed that I could bring a friend and wanted to know if you had time to come. We needed to rearrange our weekly ice-cream schedule because of an Akuma attack, and I thought we could show them to Andre, so that we can do that at the same time. Besides, you know spots in Paris I've never seen. And I've seen a lot of them as you know. Please Queenie.!" Marinette gave her now best friend and second secret keeper her best puppy dog eyes, which were surprisingly effective on the sky blue eyed girl. "Ok. I will come. But please put the eyes away. How can a teenager look so cute with that? Answer me that Bug." Marinette just laughed and arm in arm they entered their class where Lila and her followers were already seated. "And yes. Bruce is so nice. I even have my own room there. And don't get me started on Damian. He is such a sweet little boy." "Who else in the family do you know? I mean, you probably know all of them considering you are dating the third son, but still. Hold up. I need to film this. Don't worry girl. I won't upload it, considering privacy, but I really want this as an interview." Alya interrupts Lila, who in return just laughs and lets the other brunette zoom her handy camera at her. "Not to be rude, but what are you talking about now?" Asks Chloe the class. Adrien turned to them, giving them a calculating glance that made Marinette's skin crawl. She remembered getting the same look just minutes ago when it turned out that she knew the older brother of the young boy, but she had also seen the concern in them as she told them about Hawkmoth. Adrien's eyes were nothing like that. They didn't hold a hidden warmth when directed at someone else other than his friends and that felt wrong. So wrong considering she knew that he knew Lila was lying. "Lila just told us how she meet her boyfriend and a bit about his family." "And who is her boyfriend?" Asked Marinette, somehow having the very familiar feeling that at his answer she will probably burst into laughing. "Not that it really interests you, but my boyfriend is Tim Drake. Bruce Wayne's third adopted son and his co-CEO. I am sure you have heard of him." Answered Lila smug. Her words caused Marinette to blink. Then blink again while her lips curled up in a delicate smile. And then she was gone, just laughing out loud, holding onto Chloe who looked just as confused as the rest of the class. "You- You- You are- You are the girlfriend of Tim Drake?" The bluenette asked as soon as she was able to breathe correctly again. "Yes. Got a problem with that?" Snipped Lila. Marinette just smiled while shaking her head. "Nope. Just checking I heard you right." "You all won't tell, correct? The Waynes are very private people, and I just got Timmy to agree with me telling you." Lila looked down into her lap, portraying the image of a shy girl with a boyfriend perfectly. Meanwhile Marinette promised Chloe that she would be laughing just like her later that day and they settled into their seat at the back of the class. Mrs. Bustier walked in, took attendance and then began to listen to Lilas story about how exactly one Timothy Drake became her boyfriend.

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