Timinette Chapter 14

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Wednesday, Bruce received an E-Mai from the french government. They demanded that he sent Marinette back to paris, because her parents seemed to not know that she was working for him and his son, and were only notified that she was in Gotham by her teacher. They were able to clear that rather quickly, because her parents forgot, that they filled out a formula in which they agreed to let Marinette work with the Waynes and her stay in the U.S. So that was done before breakfast, only adding to the dark feeling, the family already had for the day. They continued normally, Tim and Marinette driving to work, preparing for another boring day with useless meetings. (I just realized, I never posted the trip plan for the class. Oops. My bad. So, They arrive on monday, had a tour at the museum on tuesday, have another tour /I think it is obvious where it will take part/ on wednesday, a trip to the Gotham police department on thursday, visiting the botanic garden on friday then a weekend where they can do what they want. Second week is monday to wednesday visiting GA, thursday visiting WE again and friday visiting the ice ring with the gala at night. Then on Saturday they fly back to paris. I think that covers two weeks with something that can be inspiring and educational at the same time. Back on track with the story.) As the couple entered their workplace, they were swarmed by coworkers, everyone asking questions left and right, no one understood a thing. "Silence." Tim commanded, waiting till everyone stopped talking. "Now you," he pointed to a woman in business clothes with her hair pinned back and a word translator from english to french in her hands. "Lyria right. Tell us what is going on. And what do you need a lexica for. I am pretty sure we hired you as a part of our creative section." "Well sire, the french class is currently touring the building, which is why I have a lexica. They were talking about your girlfriend which words that didn't sound so nice. I just wanted to know what they were saying so we could report it to the two of you. The class would also be why everyone here is a bit out of it. I am pretty sure Mike will report it to you too, but a girl in that class is saying that she is your girlfriend, and all of us wanted to know what we should do. You weren't here and as Marinette always comes with you, we also couldn't ask her. Besides that, there was a letter of commissioner Gordon addressed to you in the letterbox. But other than that I don't know. I sadly just came fifteen minutes before the both of you. So I was only able to hear the girl say that she is your girlfriend. It seems like she is broken on that one, because she is constantly repeating it from what I have gathered." "Thank you. Wait. The class is here?" "Yes sire." Sounded from the employees around him. Tim massaged the bridge of his nose. "Of course they are. Ok. Lyria, I want a written report about what the class sayed on my desk tomorrow. William, Elisa cancel today's meeting. We can't hold them with the class here. Daniel, tell Mike to contact me when they have lunch break, Jas, get a hold of Mr. Fox please. Everyone else, get back to work. We will hold a meeting tomorrow to talk about this." "Yes sire." Coroused through the hall. He turned to Marinette. "Help me get a hold of Bruce. He will need to cover for us today. I don't think your class would survive being in the same building as me." Nodding, she whipped out her phone and dialed Chloe's number while Tim tried to contact Bruce through the Earpiece he always wore. Great. Just great. If Tim wasn't annoyed by the class before, he definitely was now. He didn't know just how many people had asked him if he and Marinette had broken up, and if another person asked, he will knock them over without caring. That much was sure. He and Marinette were currently driving back to the manor. Or they were, till a boy in a black cat costume landed on the car, causing him to drive into an alleyway. "What the hell are you thinking? You could have killed all of us with that stunt. Do you have a death wish?" Tim screamed at him as soon as he opened his door. "I only wanted puurincesss here. I have no business with you." The blonde told him with an attitude worse than Damians. "If you want something from my girlfriend it sure as hell is my business." "Girlfriend?" Cat boy backed away a bit. "Yes Chat Noir. He is my boyfriend.Got a problem with that?" Marinette asked, having finally exited the car. "He can't be your boyfriend. I won't allow it. You are mine." With that, the leather clad boy lounged at the undisguised bird. Not really realizing what happens, he found himself pinned to the floor by the older boy, who overpowered him even without an miraculous. "What should we do with him M?" He asked, lovingly looking up at the blue eyed girl above them. "Let's just take his ring. Without it and Plagg he should be powerless. Not like his powers helped him against you either way." She told him with a soft smile. Nodding, the black haired boy took of the ring, leaving Adrien to detransform and glare up at them from the floor. "You have no right to do this. Ladybug needs me. I am her soulmate. She can't fight Hawkmoth without a black cat." "Well, then it is a good thing that Ladybug entrusted me with the knowledge that she already found another black cat user. Meaning she doesn't depend on you anymore." Marinette stood onto her tips and kissed Tim on the cheek. "Lets go. I really don't want to deal with him." "Sure. I am sure that the others will get a laugh at the info that in a fight, the cat not always wins against the bird." Tim grinned, holding her door open before seating himself, driving off and leaving a fuming Adrien Agreste behind.

At patrol that night, Robin together with Nightwing was sent to patrol the area around the hotel the class was staying in. "Hey. Is it my imagination or is there someone on the roof?" He asked his older brother, pointing at the figure standing at the rooftop of the hotel and yelling at nothing. "Want to investigate?" The older asked, staring at the figure. Robin shrugged. "Sure." They grappled to the roof, silently landing behind a screaming Agreste. "Hey, not to be rude, but what are you doing on the rooftop. I am pretty sure it is off limits for guests." Nightwing said, leaning against one of the chimneys. "Who the hell are you supposed to be. I don't answer to the likes of you. Only to Ladybug. And I know she is here. She needs to understand that Mari needs to be in Paris and that she and I belong together. Why else would Ladybug hide her if not that she didn't believe that." Nightwing stared at him like he lost his mind and Robin crossed his arms, glaring at the boy. "And how do you know that you belong together. Because as much as I know, she is very happily dating a - - - - - - - friend of our family." "Wow, thanks demon spawn. Now I am not even part of my own family." Sounded Red Robins voice through their coms. That caused the two to roll their eyes and focus back on the idiot in front of them. "We are the vigilantes of Gotham and make sure everyone survives their night. Now back to my question, what are you doing on the roof?" Nightwing asked, narrowing his eyes in annoyance. "I told you, I want Ladybug here." He stubbornly told them. Robin decided at that moment that if he was ever allowed to kill on of them, that boy was top of his list. Before one of them was able to say anything, another figure landed on the roof. "What can I do for you Agreste? If you only want to talk to me." Ladybug stood there, clearly annoyed, in a different costume than the one she had in Paris. Her mask stayed the same, the red just toned a bit darker. Her hair up in a high ponytail instead of pigtails, two strands of fabric standing up a bit. She still had a full body suit, but a skirt with was held up by a broche which looked like a miniature form of her yo-yo. All in a darker red than normal and more, but smaller black spots. "I don't have all night, and Gotham isn't my city to patrol. That right goes to the bats." She glared at him, not really wanting to be there. "Where is Marinette. What have you done to her to make her think she should be together with that black haired guy?" "I don't know where she is. She is her own grown person to make her own decisions, you know? And I didn't do anything to make her say that she is his girlfriend. For what happened to her, I am pretty sure it is called falling in love. So, are you done? I am pretty sure the two gentlemen behind you would like to get back to patrol, and I just got an Akuma alert, so I am needed in Paris." She turned to her boyfriend's brothers. "I am sorry that he bothered you. I hope you can forgive us for making you loose time to patrol. Have a good night." With that, she merged Tikki and Kalki and jumped through a portal, leaving a spluttering Adrien and two grinning bats.

(A/N: Marinettes suit

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(A/N: Marinettes suit. My own fanart. Same rules as with Chloe's apply.)

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