Timinette Chapter 10

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"What the hell is that?" Woke Marinette up. "People and normal human beings call it a hug lil'D." "I think it is cute. And they got to sleep. So who cares?" "Chloe, what are you all doing?" "I am fangirling and everyone else is confused." The blue haired sights and wrestled herself out of TIms grip. "Well, good morning to you all too, but is there a reason you all are standing in Tims room or is this a routine?" Ducking, Marinette evaded a pillow Tim had chucked at Jason, which hit the slightly older boy straight in the face. "I agree with M. What are you all doing in my room?" "We wanted to know why there are small creatures flying around the manor. When we asked Chloe she fainted and then said she couldn't and wouldn't tell without permission, so we thought we would ask Marinette and found her here." Answered an amused Dick. "Did you just say small, flying creatures?" Asked Marinette in a deady voice. "He did. Kalki is flying behind you by the way." Told Chloe her in a deadpan voice, that caused Marinette to whip around and stare at the flying horse inspired kwamii. "Greetings guardian. I need to admit. Your new friends have a better style and taste than the Agrestes." "Kalki, what, in Kwamiis name, are you all doing? Who even let you out?" Chloe walked up to her. "I am innocent. I woke up with Pollen and Tikki talking in my room. Did you know that your Kwamii is teaching mine how to use a phone?" Marinette turned to her with a climbing eyebrow. "Tikki knows how to use a phone?" "My reaction exactly. Now what should we do with the situation.." "What is this?" Asked Bruce as he stormed into the room, carrying Trixx, Wayzz, Shoopou, Ziggy and Mullo in his hands, Tikki, Pollen and Loong flying behind him. "We are sorry Marinette, we tried to stop them from leaving your room after the nice old man accidentally released us, but we were unable to." Tikki told her, settling on her right shoulder, Loong on her left and Pollen on Chloes head. "It is fine. Well, considering all of you are already out, who is hungry? This is something we probably should talk about when you guys are a bit less hyper. Also, anything new from Plagg?" The small creatures all nodded and then shook their heads in response. "Great." She clapped her hands and walked out of the room with Chloe, the gods following them. Leaving the whole batfam to blink after them. "What is going on in my mansion?" Bruce questioned. "Father, if even you don't know that, then how should we?" The older boys nodded to that.

In the dining room was chaos. The Kwamiis sat on the table on around a plate, happily munching their food while the girls were subjected to a very hard explain glance. "Well, in short, these are the things living inside the jewelry that gives the parisian heros their powers. And they are kind of bound to me." Told them Marinette, ducking her head. "Even though we can both agree that the old master and guardian shouldn't have made a thirteen year old the protector of twenty gods, when most of them behave like children." "It isn't like he wanted to. We both know that if he didn't he would have died. And Hawkmoth would have all the miraculous in his service." "Time out. You two told us that Ladybug was the guardian, was that a lie?" "No, it wasn't Damian. I am Ladybug. Have been since I was eleven without training. And Chloe only knows because she is Abrielle and figured it out on her own. She became Queen Bee, but I took the miraculous back when she worked with Hawkmoth and got akumatized so that her parents would be safe. I later gave it back to her and she created a new hero identity for herself. When Paris is in danger it is mostly us who are fighting, sometimes Viperion when we need more information. And Chat Noir, where I am currently working on taking his ring back. So if we ever vanish for some time, don't worry, it was an Akuma alert and we used Kalki to teleport to Paris and fight." Marinette smiled at them and Chloe nodded agreeing. "No." "What?" They stared at Bruce confused. "We can accept all of that, but never tell us not to worry. We worry about each other every time we go on patrol, even if the boys don't show it. So we will worry about you. And you better tell one of us when you leave. Even if it is just a text message." The whole family nodded, making them release the breath they didn't realize they were holding. "Don't worry, if they forgot and are already on their way, Pollen or I will contact you on your phones through our magic. Especially since they probably won't tell you. Even if they remembered." Tikki told them, floating over. "Which brings us Kwamiis to another thema. That goes for each one of you. Hurt one of them, intentionally in any way, shape or form, and you will realize just why exactly we are gods and it is dangerous for the world when we use out powers without holders. Got it?" Staring at each of them, at Tim more intentionally than the others. "Gee, Tikki. Stop behaving like you are my mother. I love you, but it is slightly creepy that you are able to make a better loving mother expression than my own."

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