Timinette Chapter 8

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Suitcases were packed in a hurry, goodbyes were said and the next day Marinette's parents found her room completely bare, without a sign that the girl had ever lived there. Meanwhile, a plane landed at Gothams airport, to welcome the two girls to a new chapter in their lives. "Hi Alfred." Chloe greeted, while dragging Marinette towards the elder butler. "Miss Chloe, Miss Marinette, it is good to see you again. How was your last week in school?" "Good, and surprisingly silent. Thanks for asking. How are the others?" "They are fine and happy that you two are coming today. I don't think I've ever seen them so energized." "That is good. And we can do that on our own, you know?" Asked Chloe as Alfred hived their suitcases into the car. "It is my job, so I will just do that." He told her gentle and they began driving towards the manor, which caused Marinette to immediately get her sketchbook and sketch as if her life depended on it. "Be careful. You might..." Chloe wasn't able to finish her sentence because Marinette tripped over the air while getting out of the car. "Trip. Still as clumsy as ever." The blonde grinned at the girl who was held and steadied by Tim who caught her as soon as he saw her trip. "Oh, shut up Queenie. Not everyone can just walk around and never trip. However you manage that. Even Lila tripps once in a while." The bluebell eyed girl gave her best friend a glare which caused Damian to turn to Dick "I know that sounds strange, but do you also have the feeling that it looks like she is threatened by a cupcake or something similar?" He asks his older brother silently. That just threw the older boy into a laughing fit while nodding his head. "It is good to see you two, but why haven't you sent us the videos from Saturday and part of Sunday?" Bruce greeted them with concern, which also caused the boys to change their feelings portrait in their eyes. "Well, there was an occurrence, and we didn't know if the video would be sent." Answered Marinette carefully, always studying their faces. "Why wouldn't it sent?" Asked Stephanie, staring at the two girls. "There is a virus on the internet that deletes every video with one of paris heros on it when sent out of the city. You can still watch it outside, just not send it there." Chloe answered, studying there expressions. "So, which hero was in it?" The girls exchanged a few glances. "How about you just watch the video and see for yourself? We may not be able to sent it, but we are here and have the camera with us."

Alfred led them to the living room, where they connected the camera to the television. Watching it again, Marinette buried herself into TIms side, not wanting to see the cat themed hero, even if it was just a video, while Chloe grounded herself through gripping onto Jason's arm.

Watching the video was interesting. And eye opening. At least for Tim. He laid in his bed, originally wanting to work, but found himself unable to focus. He never realized how Marinette affected him. Had affected him since the night he had accidentally called her. He had naturally talked about his feelings with Dick (because he was the only one in the house who would be at least a slight help) and submitted to the knowledge that he indeed had a crush on the petite girl that made him coffee and listened to his rants, made him even fall asleep and was the reason he finally found a system to organize his papers that only he understood. And that bought him back to his current paramedic. Should he confess or leave it. He, like everyone else had watched the video of Friday, where she had screamed at the Agreste child about having a crush on someone that wasn't the blonde model. So there came the question if he should confess and be rejected or leave it and just be a bystander in her life. It was so frustrating he could scream. Looking at his pillow, wondering how much sound it would muffle, when a knock shot him up. Opening the door, he starred down at the girl that was the reason for his frustration. "Can- Can I talk to you?" She asked hesitantly, looking up to him. Tim gulped, but moved to let her in. "Thanks." Marinette muttered and walked into his room, stopping just in the middle, leaving him enough time to close the door and file away what was happening. "I know this may sound strange. But I really need to tell you, otherwise I don't think I can actually concentrate enough to work." She began rambling. "Marinette, take a deep breath, sit down, and then tell me what is wrong. You are worrying me." He told her, grabbing her shoulders and pushed her to sit on his bed before he sat beside turning to face the nervous girl. "Now, all of that from the beginning. And deep breaths." Tim watched as she took some breaths, calming herself slightly while fiddling with her hands. "I like you. As in more than a friend. And I think I have since before we really met in Paris. It is ok if you don't feel the same way, but I wanted you to know, especially with what is going on with Chat Noir. I'm sorry. I will leave and let you sleep. Goodnight." She stood up and walked towards his door. "Don't you want to know?" Tim asks silently, stopping her in her tracks. "Don't you want to know how I feel about you?" Marinette still stood frozen in front of his door, not making a move to open it. "I actually already gave you the answer you know?" He carefully asked her, standing up. "What- What do you mean?" "You are wearing it." He told her, smiling slightly. She turned around to him, looking up, clearly confused. Tim let his hand fall against her neck, carefully getting the necklace she was wearing out from under her shirt, carefully taking it over her head and once again presented it to her. More specifically, the ring on it. "I like you too, and you have had this since we went back to Gotham. Do you know what it is?" He asked her softly, still smiling at her. The blue haired girl carefully took the necklace out of his hand and examined the ring much more attentively than she had when he first gave it to her. Gasping once she realized what exactly it was she had carried around the whole time. "You gave me a promise ring? We aren't even dating." She stared at it surprised, tears welling in her eyes. "It was more of a promise I made to myself instead of you, but yes. And, seeing as we are already here, Marinette, would you give me the honor of being your boyfriend?" Tim asked, looking down on the girl in front of him with soft eyes. "Yes. I- Thank you." She managed out before throwing herself at him, capturing him in a hug.

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