Timinette Chapter 21

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A/N: Marinettes hair is down.
Dick took the microphone from Bruce and began speaking. "Before I start, seeing as I don't want any interruptions, yes miss, what is the problem?" He looked through the crowed to Alya, whose mouth was wide opened, eyes blown open. "How can that trash be your brothers fiance?" "What trash? I am pretty sure Mar is a nice, sweet and caring person, so care to tell who you are talking about?" "But he is promised to Lila. He gave her a promise ring." Alya told him in a cold voice. Dick just raised an eyebrow, handing the mic to Tim. "I am very sorry to inform you miss, but I don't know a person named Lila. Also, before Mar became my fiance, she was my girlfriend and wore a promise ring from me for nearly a year." "You guys must be paid actors or something, there is no way Lila would lie to us." Screamed Rose, getting sounds of agreement from the class. Dick walked over to Damian and laid a calming hand onto his brothers shoulder, as the younger looked like he would grab one of his hidden weapons and slaughter the class soon. Tim, not wanting to deal with this shit, handed the mic to Jason, turning Marinette to him and hugged her, letting her blank out her class. "Silence!" Jason screamed. "We don't have time for your accusations and if you would stay silent for a little longer, we have a way of proving that everything, everything that girl told you are lies. Especially the things concerning Marinette and my own girlfriend." He told in a normal volume, through his voice was cold, working well with the glare he had set on the class. Behind them, a cinema screen was rolled down and a video began playing. It showed each of Lilas lies, as well as why it couldn't be true, the truth being shown in the form of interviews of the people she lied about, newspaper articles or phonecalls they had with said persons. Then, the video showed all of Lilas lies concerning Marinette and Chloe, each being disproven by the time that was shown in the always next sene, what they were actually doing. They also disprove Lilas lie about knowing them, showing her and Damians confrontation at his school, a video when Tim and Marinette got together and a video where they announced their engagement to one another to Tims family. At the end, Lila ran out, with the class after her, telling them they were horrible people and that everything was photoshopped. Poor them. They haven't even seen all the lawsuits Tim sent them. And if they didn't pay, well, the layers of them were quite bored. A case in court might not hurt. They wished the other guest a good afternoon and went off stage, mishing with the crowd again. So Adrien went on his way to search Marinette, informing her parents that she was dating a Wayne in Gotham. He found her with the ravenette, laughing about something the other male had said. "How can you afford to come to this gala? And don't give me the talk that you are a Wayne. No one believes you that anyway." Tim turned around, his arm still around Mar's waist staring the younger boy into the ground. "Want me to call my brothers,my father, my employees, the commissioner, the police, the goddam villains of Gotham? Because each and every one of them can prove to you that I am in fact Timothy Drake-Wayne, fiance of Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Co-CEO of WE. So if you don't want me, to ruin your and your fathers career I suggest to back off. If you still don't believe me, ask your father behind you. Which reminds me, we put a restraining order on you, you are to be at least fifty meter distance from Mar. It should have arrived today in Paris. Now excuse us, I promised her another dance." The blue eyed boy turned around, took Marinette's hand and led her away. "Father, we...." "We will do nothing. He is a Wayne. I had that thought since you told me what he and his brother looked like. Now lets get out of here. Before they call security on you." With that Gabriel led his son outside, not aware of the last, desperate strike he had already started.

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