Timinette Chapter 6

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Before the processing process was done, Red Hood and Red Robin had shifted, so that they could take Chloe and Marinette respectively as quickly as possible bridal style and take them with their family out of the classroom. Considering that everyone was still processing and Marinette looked like she just understood the most complicated equation in the world, quickly followed by Chloe, it was no wonder that no one realized the silent actions taken by the two. "You do know that this is theoretically trespassing and hostage holding. I could let you be taken to prison for that. Considering who my father is, even if you are heros, you won't get out so fast." Adrien told them. Blinking when Nightwing looked him straight in the eyes, asking if he hit his head a bit too hard. "No. Why should I?" Came the confused answer from the boy. "Sexual harrassment, inflicting of wounds, bullying, should I continue or can you do the math on your own about what every lawyer would consider the bigger crime?" Dick was done with this shit and everyone in the room who knew him knew that. "W- What sexual harrassment? They- The- They enjoy it. Otherwise they wouldn't be dressed like this." Not being able to say anything else, because Damians katana found its way to Adriens neck together with Dicks sticks. "Dressed like what exactly? The only thing I see is two normal dressed girls who wear trousers, blouses and shoes. Please, enlighten me." Bruce told him in a deadpan voice. He, too, was done with the shit this class was spouting. "Mari enjoys it. Don't you Mari." Adrien asked her in a dangerously low voice that made her visibly cringe and turn into the closest being she felt safe with, in this chase Bruce, and let her tears run free. "I don't see your point as proven Agrest. But I really see the proof for ours." Damian told Adrien with his voice so cold, if it was directed at them the girls knew they would be frozen. "I wouldn't try anything if I were you. We can destroy you. In or out of court." Tim told Adrien, still glaring as he picked up Marinette, jumping to the next roof with her in his arms, Jason with Chloe not far behind. "I know this goes against our rules, but he doesn't learn. None of them seems to." Damian told Bruce, giving him the - I want permission to do something you normally wouldn't agree with - look. A few short looks between his youngest and his oldest he sights. "Don't kill them. Nightwing, don't let him go too far." Turning around, the dark knight left the class with his currently very bloodthirsty bloodson. "You heard him. No killing." Dick said, sitting himself onto the teacher's pult and let his brother do as he wanted.

When Bruce arrived at the top of the hotel where his other sons and the girls where, he found the girls in an argument about measurements and his sons completely lost. Shortly later they were joined by Dick and Damian, the girls still arguing till they caught sight of the blood. "Oh my, are you ok? The class didn't do something stupid did they?" "First of all, ha, point proven. Second, are you hurt? Do you need a bandaid?" Damian glanced stupidly at them, than at his clothing, before shaking his head. "You can talk, Damian, you do know that right?" Asked Chloe. "And yes Mar, you proved your point plenty." "You know?" Bruce asked, taking off his mask. "When it is something with fashion and measurements, of course I figure it out. Besides that you and your alter egos have the same high, voice, habit of speaking, hair color, do you want me to continue? Besides, not many families are fit and rich enough to pull those stunts off." "She is right. Even though I first thought it was stupid it became pretty clear once Damian called Adrien by his last name." "Back on topic, Damian, are you alright? You have blood on your clothes?" Marinette asked concern. "tt. Of Course I am. It isn't mine. And no father, I didn't kill anyone." One by one, the boys took their masks of, looking at the girls in concern. "Are you two alright?" "It's fine. Not the worst they ever tried." Then blinking, Chloe looked at Marinette with a - I shouldn't have said that, right - look, to which the bluenette nodded. "Father, I know you questioned me, but can we please,..." All of the boys where looking at him pleading and he sights. "When do you two finish school?" He asked the girls, "Well, after our test results, we could congratulate early, so by the end of the month which is in a week. Why?" "You two are good and can keep them under control, which is why I would like to offer you a job. But to do that, you would need to come back to Gotham with us." "If we took you up on that offer, what would be required of us, and would we be able to keep a small side business running?" They looked a bit strange at that, causing the girls to grin. "Queenie, I think they don't get it. Should I laugh?" "I don't know. Why don't you ask MDC, even though that would be a bit strange, considering it would be a self conversation." The girls continued to grin as realization grew on the boys faces.

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