Timinette Chapter 23

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Lila stared at the letter in her hands. Moreover, the sum it asked her to pay to that goody-two-shoes Marinette. She wouldn't, she refused to admit defeat, but her mother already started paying it with Lilas money, not wanting to get the law involved. Her phone rang one time, making her pick up. "Yes? Oh, hey guys. Wait, you too? That takes it too far. I thought I knew them, but obviously not if they sided with that liar. Sure, I will see all of you in school tomorrow. Yes Alya, you are right, they said that they wanted to make an announcement. See you tomorrow."Lila closed her phone, surprised how easy to manipulate her classmates still were. She shrugged, moving on to unpack her clothes from the trip and laid new ones out for tomorrow. Had she been more attentive, she would have seen the blue eyes watching her from the rooftop of the apartment complex across her window.

Alya screamed in frustration. Marinette actually sued them. Where that girl got the money for such an action, the brunette didn't know, but was very annoyed by it. Why was that bitch still tormenting them, even if she was halfway across the globe? So when her phone rang, showing that it was a full class call, she accepted, gritting her teeth. Not only was she sued, but so was Lila, and everyone else. And the only one who was able to afford it was Adrien. Like what the hell? Why were the sums so high? She was so focused on being angry at a person that wasn't even there, that she missed the silent shadow on her balcony as well as narrowed green-blue eyes glaring at her.

Adrien agreed with his classmates. Marinette was going too far. He knew that guy was a bad influence on her. But to get her to sue her friends with wrong accusations? It only showed him that he was right. Marinette needed saving. He wondered how much influence that guy and his family had in her live. He sat down and calculated, showing once more, after he finished and went to bed, that he never was a good Chat Noir. Otherwise he would have noticed the person IN his room, watching him with clenched jaw, balled up hands and narrowed, angry gleaming blue eyes.

Tom and Sabine Dupont-Cheng sat in their living room, glaring at the wall. This was not how their trip was supposed to go. Marinette was supposed to agree with them and come back. Why was she so against being with Adrien. She loved him and that boy was just one of her shenanigans to make him jealous. And it worked. The boy had admitted to them that he had feelings for their daughter. Now, they just needed her to remember that she had feelings for him too. Maybe she was just too caught up in the act to realize that she could stop. They were sure that that was the reason. But then, there was the lawsuit they were required to pay, as well as an restraining order against them from coming near Marinette or be arrested. They had decided to burn the letter. If asked, they could just claim to have never gotten it. Across from them, on a roof, green eyes watched them, having taken pictures of them receiving the letter, them reading it and lastly, them burning it.

The family had enough after formerly (like an hour ago) had woken up with Marinette screaming apologies at people that weren't even there, begging them not to leave her, being on the verge of a panic attack. Chloe had sat beside her, holding the crying girl to her, having tears streaming down her face too. They decided, that each boy should watch one of their worst attackers. Quickly deciding it, throwing on their suits and zeating to Paris, they found who they were looking for taking their places, watching them trough the day, holding themselves back from killing, or at least severely maiming them. Having collected more evidence than they had before, Bruce contacted court, telling them who he wanted to face him, his family and his lawyers. On monday the next week, a confused class, together with the director and the Dupont-Chengs were filled in a courtroom. "Excuse me, but why are we all here?" Asked Alix finally. "Because, my family decided, seeing as you all don't leave us alone, even after a restraining order, to just take this to court to show you once and for all, just who is in the wrong here." A calm voice, feminin and familiar, answered. They all whirled around, only to come face to face with a blonde, who was wrapped in the arms of a black haired man with a white streak. "Chloe, nice to see you again. How are you? And who is this?" Adrien asked her, settling his face into a pleasant smile. "That, is my newly announced fiance, which means, that Mar and I are going to be siblings to some extend." A voice behind them snorted. A teenage boy with green eyes and a bit of a darker complexion walked out from behind them, to stand beside her fiance. "You mean you two weren't already? I am pretty sure I thought you were twins the first time I saw you two." He told her, eyes twinkling at her annoyed look. "Oh, shut up Dami. Like you and Jon didn't behave like siblings when I met you on my way to school." Adrien whirled around again, the others following. There, between the guy who claimed to be her fiance and another, taller guy with also black hair and blue eyes, was that a family motto / theme or something, stood Marinette, leaning against her fiance, smiling at them. "Hello, we all see each other again it seems. I actually would have preferred if you all just listened, but fine. Your choice, your live you ruin this time."

After the court, the accused where bummed. They had been in the wrong. All of them. And when Sabine claimed, that she raised her daughter better than a gold-digger, Tim just pulled up the security cameras from WE, proving her very wrong in the assumption, that Marinette didn't make money. All of them were sent back to Paris, besides Adrien, who tried to kidnap Marinette with the help of her parents. They were shipped to Gothams prison, Gabriel and the french police being informed of their try.

That night, Marinette and Chloe sat in Chloe's original room, laughing. "I can't believe our live changed from completely miserable to a live like a fairy tail. Even though I could do without the constant injuries on my fiance." Chloe nodded her head in agreement. Yes, their lives where great, but there was the constant worry for there family. "Why don't we help. We have enough miraculous for that, don't we?" They grinned mischievously, each grabbing a second miraculous. "Tikki, Mullo, Long unify." "Pollen, Wayzz, Trixx unify." They opened the window of the room, jumping out, swinging towards the next crime scene that involved a bat. There may not be a magical threat, but they still wanted to do something. Protecting their family would do that just fine.

A/N:I will add Chloe's clothing for each chapter in a single one. Also, there will be a voting on what I write or upload as a story next if you hang around that long.

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