Timinette Chapter 17

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The week otherwise went by without a hitch. On monday, Tim and Marinette drove Damian to school. It was the week, where her class needed to visit that school. When they saw Marinette and two black haired guys exiting the fancy car, whom the owner knew Lila (after her own tell), they were shocked. Even more so, as Marinette and the older one once again entered the car and drove away, after saying goodbye to the younger. After his older brother and the fiance of him were gone, Damian turned around, facing the school with the mission to find his best friend, Jon Kent. His way was, nearly halfway, interrupted by a brunette and a blonde, both people his family hated with a passion. And that was something that took a lot of time. "What do you want?" He asked annoyed, every student of GA freezing at his tone. "Just wanting to know, why such a rich kid and his family hangs out with this nobody Marinette. Like honestly. She is poor, a bully and has no manners. So why do you hang out with her?" Lila asked in an high pitched tone. "Because she is my brothers fiance, really nice and has much better manners than you. You didn't even introduce yourself and just tried to make me belive your own opinion. Which can easily be disproved by hanging out with Mari for an hour. So, could you get out of my way? That would be very nice and helpful. Thanks." Damian sayed, walking through between them, bumping their shoulders on the way. For everyone outside it was clear. Stay away from the french class, the Waynes are on a warpath with them. Don't be their friend, or get dragged down with them. That was something, no student wanted to risk. By lunch, everyone stayed away and wouldn't even talk to them for directions, the teachers ignored their teacher, only talking to the class when they had a question. Nobody wanted to be on the receiving end of Damian Wayne's anger. Much less the anger of the whole family. Damian sat down on his table with Jon, glaring daggers at the class that was talking extremely loud, the sausage haired girl spreading her lies so loud, the whole cafeteria was able to hear her. Her favorite lie? Knowing the Waynes, which meant that she had just outed herself to the whole GA, because everyone knew of her and Damians confrontation, and he never made a sign that he knew her, also outing her, was the lie that Tim proposed to her. Everyone in Gotham knew, that he was betrothed to his secretary, who also was a designer and one of the only people able to hug Damian. Besides the fact that sayed fiance had blue hair, not brown. So yes. Nobody in that school believed her besides her class. Which was quite sad, considering that they originally had enough brain cells to tell whenever someone was lying, especially if Max would ask Markarov, but he never did, following Lila blindly. After the school was over, Damian walked out with a much bigger, more suffocating killer aura than he walked into it. The whole school, as well as some of Marinette's old classmates watched, as Tims car pulled up, letting the petite bluenette out, who immediately ran to Damian and hugged him, whispering words no one understood, but they seemed to calm the younger boy down. Tim also exited the car as he saw some of his fiances (He loved calling her that) past classmates walking over to her while she was claiming their families demon down. Sadly, the class reached her before he did, saying some silent word which left the bluenette to deflate while still hugging Damian, now also stopping him from killing them right then and there. "-slut, why didn't you listen to Adrien and me? Then you would have had him and you would be fulfilling your dream of being with him. Come on, I mean, you are such an attention seeking whore that you would deserve it. Being with Adrien and then watching him walking away and to you again and again. Or would that kill you? Because I myself would really not be against that. My world without you? Perfect." Tim began to hear as he neared the members (official and unofficial) of his family from the brown-red haired girl with glasses. Gritting his teeth he approached them, laying a hand on the designers shoulder, pulling her and Damian behind him in the process. "What is your problem?" He asked, shoulders shaking with rage. Damian knew then and there that, if Drake would have been an trained assassin like himself, the girl would be six feet under by the time she was supposed to be at the next class, without anything pointing towards murderer. "And who are you to ask such a question? I haven't seen you on school grounds, meaning you aren't a student. Besides, what I tell my bestie is my interest, not yours." "Excuse me? If said person is my fiance, and clearly in distress because of whatever you told her, it makes it my business." He glared at her, and Damian was sure, that if it was the Joker or even their father standing in the place of the gi- - - harlot (he refused to category someone like this in the same category as Marinette and Chloe), they would be running for the hills. At this moment, one of his more peacefull siblings looked, like they would comit murder in the next few seconds if someone didn't remove their target from their sight preferrable (to the boy) never or for the person in the last minutes as soon as he exited his car. "T- Ti- Tim-....." The spoken to ravenette turned around so fast, Damian was surprised he didn't get any whiplash from it. "Yes, are you alright? Do you need anything? Should we call a family meeting? Should we let her get exiled?....." Damian blocked the rest out, surprised at how fast his brother went from downright murderous to a loving, caring and rambeling boyfriend/fiance in a second. He was pretty sure not even his father was capable of such a fast personality change. Damian was sure, that if the two also drove him to school on Tuesday and wednesday at least one person in that class will die by Drake's hand. As Red Robin or civilian probably wouldn't matter to the older ravenette. Actually, he wasn't sure anyone in the class would survive till friday night if he went to school these two days. He would need to speak with his father. Which reminded him. "Marinette, if you listen to a word that harlot sayed, I will make it my livelong mission to take away any and all coffee you could come across. You are an amazing person, and an even better fiance to my brother. So don't you dare think of these things as true, or I will need to make sure Drake isn't caught murdering someone, ok?" The blue eyed girl stared at him before nodding and hugging him tight. It wasn't exactly what he had planned, but if the girl calmed down enough to let them drive home he would be able to suffer through it. After Marinette had calmed down, they (Tim with the others sitting in the backseats) drove back to the manor at fastest speed, probably breaking a few speed limits.

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