Timinette Chapter 5

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The class still was trying to process what just happened. (1%) They had the fun of a lifetime watching Chloe and Marinette trying and failing in getting away from Adrien and Kim. (3%) It was fun till a part of a window shattered. (8%) Something hit the wall just beside the heads of the two boys. (10%) The boys both lost their grip and the girls ran. (14,5%) The boys both grabbed what had been thrown at them, not worried that their time had been interrupted. (20%) Somewhere in the hallway a window shattered through something that obviously had a greater impact than the two innocent metal symbols laying in front of them. (26%) The school is probably windowless tomorrow considering the one besides Mrs. Bustier shattered into millions, billions of tiny pieces, that were soon crushed by black boots. (33%) The boots belonged to a very good Nightwing cosplay, and whoever that person was, he was furious. (34,35,36%) The other three windows of the classroom shattered into equally small pieces, that were equally as fast crushed. (40%) Not only a Nightwing look - a - like, but also one of Batman, Red Hood and Red Robin, looking equally as furious, if the younger of the four not more. (40,5%) Red Hood with his helmet on can look more furious than Batman. (47%) That would mean that the window in the hallway was a Robin look - a - like. (50%) There were look - a - likes of Gotham's vigilantes in their school, looking absolutely livid and real. (54%) The look - a - likes had weapons. (59%) These weapons were real as Adrien learned as he tried to leave and was shot in front of his feet. (62%) Whoever these people were, they weren't kidding. (65%) Batman and the male part of his family hadn't been seen in Gotham for nearly a week. (68%) If glares could kill they all would be six feet under. (73%) These Akumatized people are really good at making it look like they aren't already akumatized. Especially since a purple butterfly flew beside them the whole time, trying to land but making it seem like he is not able to. (76%) They had not something against an individual but against all of them. (82%) Robin walked in with Marinette and Chloe beside him, his body a bit twisted so he can watch their backs. (87%) When they saw the girls their whole body language changed from attack to relaxed but protected. (90%) The two girls looked as clueless as them, but much more relaxed and unguarded than they would allow themselves to be. (93%) The family is famous for hacking, being protective of those they deemed worthy of it and showing up where others would never suspect them. (94%) Alya made a live stream for the boys in the school. Private and behind a very good firewall but online. (95%) The costumes by Marinette's slightly admiring gaze seemed to be the real deal. Always trust Marinette when it is about that. (96%) They used codenames, not even Hawkmoth uses already given names. (97%) They had the right weapons, statue and would have enough time. (98%) They looked like they do when they pose with the justice league. (99%) This is real. (100% now loading. Please stand by and let the brains with one brain cell process.)

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