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The next day once (Y/n) and Mira were finished with breakfast, they headed out the house, locking the door behind them. Since her daughter still had school, the (h/c)-ette decided to head to the mall.

Today was a bright day.

The mall itself had large glass windows at the ceiling and beautiful tiling across the floors. A fountain that looked like a garden was in the center. There were two escalators on either side heading up and down.

There were many business and shopping outlets for all customers to browse through from high naming brands such as Chanel, Bloomingdales, and Versace to smaller brands like Forever21 or Express. In the halls were smaller vendors trying to catch the passerby's attention with their products.

Not only were there shops, but plenty food choices for anyone hungry after hours of shopping or browsing. The aroma was tasty and almost mouth watering at the thought of some fried food to relax oneself.

Shoes clacked against the tiles as the chatter of people were loudly heard. Friends were calling out to each other or laughing or cell phones were going off.

(Y/n) held her purse as she walked into a popular name brand store. Louis Vuitton. Walking inside, she browsed through the clothing, looking at the prices and widening her eyes. Heck, her paycheck couldn't even afford any of the stuff present, but she didn't mind. She wasn't a materialistic girl interested in expensive crap that is completely meaningless.

While she was walking through the store, the radio was playing such an upbeat song. Since she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, she accidentally bumped into someone, backing away quickly, "I am so sorry!!" She apologized, bowing her head, anxiously biting her lip.

The person before her was silent before a manly chuckle was heard, "I don't make it a habit to yell at girls for a simple accident." The voice was deep, sending shivers down her spine.

Straightening up, (Y/n) looked at the person. He was a tall male with black and blonde hair worn in two braids. He wore a leather coat, hands in pocket. A lazy smirk on his face. His purple eyes boring into her own (e/c) ones, examining her features. "I didn't expect to bump into a beautiful girl like you, doll face." He leaned down a bit, reaching eye level with her.

Doll face!? Taken aback by the sudden endearment, (Y/n) gave him a weird look, stepping back a bit, "Uh....thanks?"

Smirking, the male stepped closer to her, making her raise a hand at him, "Personal space please." She calmly stated, earning an amused look from the male.

"Apologies. My name is Ran Haitani, doll face." Ran greeted, grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it gently, marveling at the softness of her hands. They feel like pure silk....

Pulling her hand back, (Y/n) frowned softly at him, giving the male a suspicious look, "Chivalry isn't common these days with women."

Ran pulled a smirk, straightening up as he looked down at her, "I guess I'm a man of character then. How about you give me your number doll face and I'll show you how much of a gentlemen I really am." He lowly spoke, purple eyes staring deep into hers with hidden intentions. His aura and demeanor screamed dangerous.

(Y/n) scoffed, giving him a glare, "I don't like what your insinuating but if you're only here to pick up girls then I suggest you find someone else who isn't me." She snapped.

She was fed up with guys always trying to hit on her regardless if she said no. (Y/n) sometimes wondered if their brains weren't working too well.

A low whistle was heard as another pair of footsteps approached them. Another male with blonde and blue hair with the same colored eyes as Ran stepped beside him, looking at (Y/n) with amusement. "Looks like you got rejected, brother."

Baby You're Mine (Kantou Manji x Reader x Tenjiku)Where stories live. Discover now