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Unfortunately, it seems (Y/n) has woken up too early yet again. She would like to go back to sleep, but it's too late now. She kept getting distracted every time her eyes close. The photographs of her and Mira were haunting the back of her mind, wondering who sent them and for what reason. Her suspicions immediately went to Izumi.

Izumi's words from Canada resonated through her mind. He knew she was living in Japan, could that mean he was the one doing all this? Was this part of his revenge for breaking up with him even though it was his fault for cheating on her twice with his co-worker all because he couldn't keep it in his pants?

With a heavy heart, she got up from her bed and walked over to the other side of the room where her phone lay charging on the dresser.

Checking the time, it was too early than her normal wake up schedule. Four o clock. Outside is pitch black. (Y/n) peeked out from her curtains, looking out the window where she could hardly make out anything. There were few streets lamps illuminating them dim, barely noticeable.

Pacing her room, (Y/n) gnawed at her thumb, eyes boring holes into her carpet floor. Who should she go to for this? The police? The private detectives? Her mind went to Mikey and Izana. They were both leaders of a dangerous criminal gang, maybe they could help.

Clicking her tongue, (Y/n) shook her head, "No, I don't want to want make it seem like I'm bothering them for something so trivial." Was it trivial? Having received photographs of her and her daughters daily life wasn't exactly normal.

"Should I?" Having made her resolve, she decided to visit Izana, remembering the platinum blonde had given her a keycard to his and the others penthouse at the top of the building similarly to Mikey if she needed something.

This was gonna be a first she visited his HQ's in Tokyo. Since it's a Sunday, she'll pick Mira up from her friends house after she visits Tenjiku for some advice.

Sunrise couldn't have come any faster. (Y/n) was already dressed and she prepared some breakfast for her; Waffles and pancakes.

After she finished eating, she grabbed her purse, car keys, and jacket, heading out the door. It was eleven o clock, so she knew they'll probably be awake unless they were still sleeping in and being lazy bums.

The drive to Izana's building was at least almost two hours away. It was just as lavish and expensive with every bit of money he put into making it. Rows of expensive ass cars were parked, all glossy and not a single scratch.

(Y/n) noticed guards surrounding the perimeter of the building at every corner; guns, suits, earpieces, the whole package. Stepping up, one of the guards darted his eyes at her, his tone gruff as he spoke, "What business do you have here, lady?"

Holding up the keycard, the signature of Izana Kurokawa glinting on it, the guard nodding, letting her pass after doing a facial recognition on her to make sure she was the owner of the card Izana had put in the system.

Stepping inside the building, it was similar to any other building. There were guy workers in red suits passing by with papers in hands, chatting, or doing what a gang normally does.

She ignored their gazes on her as the (h/c)-ette went to the private elevator, swiping the key card and entering the lift, pressing the top button. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she contemplated what to say. "I hope they aren't naked though."

The elevator dinged, doors opening. Stepping out, her eyes observed the huge and open space of the penthouse. It was extremely lavish. There was a huge chandelier hanging above, a grand staircase, a velvet sofa, bar, large kitchen and living room. Everything was made expensive and probably custom.

Baby You're Mine (Kantou Manji x Reader x Tenjiku)Where stories live. Discover now