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The party had yet to be over and the night was still young. (Y/n) was standing next to Rindou and Ran, quietly listening as they spoke to a couple of men about some new business regarding their infrastructure on a new casino they planned to open. As if four wasn't enough....

(Y/n)'s mind has been reeling ever since that surprise kiss from Kokonoi. Never in her life had she expected for something like this to happen. It was so sudden. Yet the passion she felt was beyond anything she could imagine. The way Kokonoi kissed her had her thinking that maybe he had a lover. Had, as in past tense.

The raw emotion she felt from that kiss told her everything. She had a feeling Kokonoi was missing something in his life. Something he craved yet couldn't get. Maybe he kissed her because he felt that missing piece through her. Maybe she was a replacement for a girlfriend. That had to be it, right?

(Y/n) was in denial. There was no way Kokonoi could actually develop feelings for her. It's impossible. He's part of a wanted criminal gang and she's a cafe worker. How does a relationship like that work? No, he must have kissed me out of lustful impulse. That has to be it!

Ran, who noticed the (h/c)-ette's dazed expression, lifted her chin gently, looking deeply into her eyes with a concerned expression, "You alright, doll face?" He lowly asked.

"Mm?" (Y/n) didn't seem to comprehend his words for a second before snapping out of it. Blinking, she replied, "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little tired...." She lied.

Ran frowned, not saying a word as he observed her face for a second, "....Do you want to sit down?" (Y/n) shook her head, giving a small smile, "No, really! I'm fine." She assured.

When it was dinner, Izana ordered (Y/n) to sit beside him. The table was round so the platinum blonde was to her left while Sanzu sat to her right. She was obviously in the middle.

(Y/n) noticed Kokonoi purposely avoiding her eyes yet their eyes would occasionally lock with one another's when they stole a glance making them look away. This is awkward....

As (Y/n) nibbled on her baked salmon, Sanzu was busy staring at her. The other's noticed as their face turned amused.

Irritated, (Y/n) glared at him from the corner of her eyes, "Stop staring and eat your vegetables." She placed his hand on the fork, huffing in her seat.

Akashi spoke up, his tone teasing, "Is our queen blushing?" This prompted the guys to smirk in her direction.

"We know other ways to make you turn red and hot if you're interested, baby." Hanma cooed.

"Y'all need to go outside and touch some grass." (Y/n) bluntly said, earning confused looks. Touch grass? Why would they touch grass?

"....You're weird." Rindou said, looking at her as he swirled his glass of red wine.

"I thrive on weirdness." She retorted.

Izana gripped her thigh, his hand caressing her soft skin, before trailing a little more upwards towards her private parts, "There's nothing wrong in admiring your beautiful face, my queen. We are your kings, though I am your emperor." The platinum blonde would always have a higher title than anyone of his servants. He's the King of Tenjiku. The Emperor. No one shall be above him.

Slapping his hand away and earning a glare from him, (Y/n) spoke with a nonchalant face, "Well can you make it subtle?? I don't want anyone getting the wrong idea about us." She faked smiled.

Izana gripped her chin albeit a little roughly, turning her face to him as he leaned close to her, hot breath fanning her face, "You'll have to accept your fate sooner than later, mahal ko. The more you run the more we'll keep chasing after you till you have no choice but to surrender on your knees. It's only a matter of time." Orchid eyes pierced deeply into hers, a slight darkness in them as they demanded her to bend to their will and accept her 'fate.'

Baby You're Mine (Kantou Manji x Reader x Tenjiku)Where stories live. Discover now