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It was parent teacher conference at Mira's school and (Y/n) was holding her daughters hand as they walked down the street to the elementary building. (Y/n) had asked her co-workers/friends if they can cover for her shift at the cafe just for today.

"Are you excited to see Mrs. Fumi?" (Y/n) questioned her daughter, who was happily humming a soft tune.

Mira innocently looked up at her mother, "Hai, mama!! Mrs, Fumi always give us treats when we do our homework!"

"Is that so? You must be a good girl then." (Y/n) praised, patting her daughters soft brown hair.

"I am, mama!!" Mira nodded her head, a beaming smile on her face. Oh, such innocence....

(Y/n) was still on edge, feeling paranoid as she received another bunch of photographs in the mail. She was worried for her daughter. Her thoughts were plaguing her sleep that the (h/c)-ette was starting to get dark circles under her eyes.

She didn't want to bother Mikey, Izana or the others as still believed it was her own problem to deal with. She had half a mind to tell them but what would the consequences be if she did?

As they were walking a Bentley pulled up near them, the window rolling down. Baji's face peered at her through the window, a wolfish grin on his face, "Hey, (Y/n)!" His eyes darted to Mira, "Greetings, Hime-san." Mira giggled at the male.

"Baji." (Y/n) greeted the male with a smile, glancing at Madarame, who sat in the passengers seat, smirking at them. "Madarame."

"Where are you girls headed to?" Baji questioned.

"To a parent-teacher conference at Mira's school. My co-workers are covering my shift today." (Y/n) explained, shifting on her feet as Mira looked between her mother and the two young men.

"Hop on in then, we'll give you a ride." Baji offered, a smile on his face. He wasn't taking no for an answer.

Sighing in defeat, she got in the Bentley, placing Mira on the seat beside her. Baji, smugly grinned, driving to the little brunette's school.

"What are you guys up to anyway?" (Y/n) asked, rubbing her daughters hand, marveling at the softness of her baby skin.

Madarame glanced back at her, "Nothing much, just checking around the neighborhood." He partially lied. None of the Kantou Manji members wanted to get their princess involved with their gang business unless they wanted to put her in danger. Beside that, they didn't want her to know what type of illegal business they were do and have her think differently of them.

"I see." (Y/n) knew he was lying, thinking she didn't know what exactly they were up to, but she did. Anyone who's anyone would know what a gang does, especially a dangerous one.

Baji soon pulled up by Mira's elementary school—parking near the curb—where little kids were excitedly running about with big smiles on their faces and loud happy screams as their parents tried to call them back to head home.

Stepping out of the car, (Y/n) pulled Mira's hand gently, glancing back at the two men, "Thanks for the ride." She was about to walk away when Baji and Madarame stepped out, following her behind.

(Y/n) paused, glancing back at them with confusion, "You don't have to come inside with me, you know." She told them.

Baji gave a wolfish grin, "We want to." He had mischievous glint in his eyes, making the (h/c)-ette narrow her eyes at him.

Madarame simply looked away, wondering what the hell he was doing at a pre-school for toddlers instead of beating up gangs.

The two men looked out of the place in a building for little kids and their parents who were wondering who they were and why they looked dangerous. Some even sent glances at (Y/n), making her fluster in embarrassment.

Baby You're Mine (Kantou Manji x Reader x Tenjiku)Where stories live. Discover now