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Fixing her clothes for her morning jog, (Y/n) checked on her daughter to make sure she was still sleeping. Once satisfied, the (h/c)-ette grabbed her jacket and threw it on, zipping it up halfway before heading out, locking the door with her keys.

It was still early in the morning, thankfully there wasn't any sight of nearby gangs. The streets are void of people.

Entering the park, a slight breeze rustles the leaves making them fall to the solid ground one by one. The sun begins to rise, waking the tired sleepers. Flowers are vast, and they conceal the freshly cut green grass. There are sun-colored daisies, vivid purple lilies, carrot tinted hydrangeas, and cotton candy pink hyacinths. The park is barren except for sounds of the ducks and a couple of fellow joggers breathing in the fresh morning air.

Walking by the minute green and brown tinted pond, the milky white, soft feathered ducks can be heard a block away as they quack loudly. being thrown for them.

Behind the oddly shaped rocks and algae in the pond, orange, red, and yellow fish dart back and forth. If you look closely enough, you can see a turtle, colored forest green, blending in with the algae.

The park offers a variety of scenery, which make the jog more worthwhile. As the end of the jog nears, (Y/n)'s mind is refreshed and her body is energized for the day. One beautiful morning run can change a person's day and make all the difference.

The halo of the horizon arrives with golden grace, signaling (Y/n) that it was time to head back home. As she headed out the park, she passed by a couple of men who were smoking under a tree, laughing and joking with each other.

One of them spotted the gorgeous (h/c)-ette, nudging his friends as they too stared at her.

(Y/n) felt uncomfortable, realizing it was still morning and not a lot of people would be out at this time. She calmed her pounding heart as she calmly walked past them, wincing when she heard their wolf whistles at her, "Hey, babe! C'mere for a second, would ya?" The guy laughed.

Clenching her fists, (Y/n) whirled around to face them, an angry expression on her face, inciting more laughter from the men as they compared her to a small bunny.

"I am not some whore that you can call on whenever you want!" (Y/n) snapped at them, silencing them, "Men like you should be ashamed of yourselves. A girl can't even go on a simple jog without facing harassment from a man. Is this the respect you show your mother at home? How about your sisters? No, am I right?!" (Y/n) held her tone so she wouldn't lash out at them.

The men were too stunned to speak, before the same guy from earlier scrunched his face in anger, "Hah!? You really think we care about all that woman stuff? Listen here doll, you're only a man's pleasure in bed, nothing more or less. Now get over here and let daddy teach you a lesson." He leered at the (h/c)-ette.

"Oi, oi! What the fuck are you doing?" All eyes turned to a long raven-haired male, who stopped behind (Y/n). His white uniform causing fear to plaster itself on the men's face, "This is our turf...so I suggest you beat it unless you want a beating of a life time." The men scrambled away.

(Y/n) turned to the male, who looked down at her with his bronze eyes, "You should be more careful. Men like that aren't merciful on women."

(Y/n) bowed gratefully, "Arigato." She rose back up, "I honestly didn't know what was gonna happen if you hadn't shown up."

The male gave her a wolfish grin, showcasing his fangs, "Not a problem, babe." His bronze eyes then took in her figure, observing her soft features before trailing down to her plump breasts—the cleavage exposed from the camisole she wore—before landing on her waist, ass and legs.

Baby You're Mine (Kantou Manji x Reader x Tenjiku)Where stories live. Discover now