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The sound of twisting and turning were heard on a bed, the rustle of the sheets were disarrayed as the figure who laid on the bed stared at the ceiling. (Y/n) had a hard time sleeping, no matter how much she tried to get some shut eye, her eyes immediately snapped open.

Thoughts of her daughter in the hospital clouded her mind. Somehow, the house felt more empty, void, and she didn't like that. She wanted it to be how it used to be, with Mira's presence in the house.

That scare from earlier nearly gave her a heart attack. When she could barely feel Mira's breath, she honestly thought her daughter completely stopped breathing and....died.

Just the thought of Mira being dead caused shivers to crawl up her spine. She felt hollow.

(Y/n) kept awake all night, the rising of the sun creeping through her windows. Turning on her side, she stared at the orange/pink sky with blank eyes.

Once six o clock arrived, (Y/n) got up from the bed, heading into the shower to get ready for the day. When she finished, she changed her clothes and headed downstairs to make herself a quick breakfast.

After calling her friends to tell them to let her manager know she was going to be late, (Y/n) grabbed her purse, keys and jacket, heading out the door.

Taking her car, she drove to the hospital immediately. She didn't want to keep her daughter waiting any longer. Mira must have woken up and is probably scared and without her mama there.

Parking in the lot, she rushed out her car, entering the Hospital and asking the front desk nurse for Mira, which she was located in the same room.

Quickly thanking the woman, (Y/n) entered the room, spotting her daughter awake, "Mira." The little brunette looked at her mama, tears filling her big blue eyes as she reached a hand out to the (h/c)-ette, "Mama!!" She cried, hiccuping, tears streaming down her face.

"Oh, baby...." (Y/n) gently hugged her daughter, thankful the wires and oxygen mask were now gone. "Mama is here...." She rubbed Mira's back in small circles.

(Y/n) ended up staying at the hospital for a while because the discharge papers took a bit long and the nurse wanted to make sure Mira was okay.

The little brunette tucked her face in her mom's neck, chubby arms wrapped around her as (Y/n) carried her out the hospital.

As she stepped out of the building, she paused at the sight of Mikey leaning against a very expensive car, white coat framing his figure as it hung over his shoulders, hands tucked into pockets. His black irises landed on (Y/n), who blinked at him in confusion, "....Mikey...?"

Straightening up, the male took slow steps towards her, stopping in front of her. His eyes glanced at Mira before returning to her's, "Let me drop you home." He stated, more like demanded.

(Y/n) blinked before chuckling, "I already got a car." She pointed to the vehicle parked in the lot, "Thanks for the offer though." She brushed past him.

"I'll take you out for dinner tonight." Mikey's voice made her stop, the male turning to her.

(Y/n) shifted on her feet, "It's a wonderful gesture, but I have a daughter to take care of." She pointed out, gesturing to the little brunette in her arms.

Mikey looked at a Mira for a moment, nodding his head in understanding, "....Alright."

Giving him a smile, (Y/n) walked away, well aware of his eyes piercing her back. Putting her daughter safely in the car and strapping the buckle, she then went to the driver's seat.

Arriving at home, (Y/n) changed her daughter's clothing and tucked her into bed, the little brunette fast asleep. Heading downstairs, she begun boiling some soup.

Baby You're Mine (Kantou Manji x Reader x Tenjiku)Where stories live. Discover now