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The weekend has finally arrived and it was time for (Y/n) to re-stock on groceries. This morning, she went rummaging through the pantry, cabinets, and fridge, noticing the fruits and vegetables were almost out. With the little she had, she was able to whip up something to eat. A simple omelette with sprinkled garnish and waffles.

Mira, after the sleepover with Daichi, was excited to do it again that she ended up having another one with a classmate of hers. Aww, my baby is making friends...!

Anyhow, since (Y/n) is scheduled to pick Mira up in the afternoon, she decided to do some errands before her daughter comes home. Grabbing her purse, keys, and jacket, she headed out.

Getting into her car, she drove to the groceries. The light music from the radio was playing old nineties songs. As she drove, (Y/n) couldn't help but think back to the club. Those men—two of which were familiar—had this dangerous aura around them, like they weren't the type of people to mess with unless you're actually looking for trouble.

(Y/n) wasn't a trouble-seeker, she tends to avoid those type of situations yet it seems they are always attracted to her, for kami only knows why.

(Y/n) also surmised they were some big shots considering how expensive they looked and the numerous body guards they had surrounding them. It pissed her off. Just because they were some rich dudes doesn't mean they had the right to harass her like that.

Luckily, she outsmarted them at their own game of words and actions. She wasn't the type to sit back quietly and let a man touch her without her consent. Heck, no! She has dignity. (Y/n) did feel sorry for those strippers and server girls who had no choice but to please them....unless they liked it, she didn't know.

"Honestly, someone needs to knock them down a peg or two back to reality." (Y/n) murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

A buzzing from her phone caught her attention as she pulled up in the parking lot of the grocery store. Grabbing her device, she saw it was a message from Mitsuya. Lately him and her have been texting one another.

(Y/n) didn't suspect any romantic feelings since she only saw Mitsuya as a friend, she hoped he felt the same too. Otherwise, she wouldn't know what to do....


Italic with underline—-You

Hey, (Y/n). Are you busy?'

'Yea, I'm doing some errands today, grocery shopping is one of them.'

'I see. Well, if you're free this week, maybe we can hang out sometime?'

Tapping her chin thoughtfully, she considered the options. She usually doesn't work on a Wednesday, so she doubts she'll have anything planned, unless things change last minute. As for hanging out....(Y/n) wouldn't mind having a friendly chat with Mitsuya. In her opinion, the guy seemed nice and gentlemanly.

'Sure. When I'm free I'll let you know, kay?'

'No problem. Just let me know before hand so I can clear my schedule, alright?'


Shutting her phone off, (Y/n) sighed before grabbing her purse and heading out. Entering the store with the shopping cart, a burst of cold air hit her, making her shiver for a second. The soft music resonates throughout the store as customers browsed through different isle's or were cashing out their items. The store clerks were tirelessly re-stocking items and moving around.

She first headed into the vegetable isle, grabbing some greens and other veggies. The (h/c)-ette chuckled, picking up a packet of carrots, knowing how much Mira hated them. However, it's a mommy's job to make sure her child eats healthy regardless of what they like or don't like.

Baby You're Mine (Kantou Manji x Reader x Tenjiku)Where stories live. Discover now