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a step closer.


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tsukasa sneezed, his nose scrunched up. he feels someone sit beside him, he looks up, a girl with pink hair sits eighth beside him and another sat with her. their hands were intertwined, the gray haired girl places a gentle peck at her knuckles. they untangled their hands.

he blinks, the girl beside him hums at him. "oh aren't you uh... mikasa! no... i think it was uh... kasa.. hm."

"tsukasa, emu. his name is tsukasa."

Emu puts a fist to her palm, "yeah! tsukasa. rui's biology partner!"

he raises a brow, what non sense is that dim wit telling people? he raises a brow, puts his pen down and sits up.

"yeah? what did he need something?"

she shook her head, "no! he rants about you a lot! like how he dislikes you for not liking him without getting to know him, how his chances of being your friend back—"

"that's enough emu." the girl beside her put a hand at her mouth, spinning her toward herself and tilting her head.

"nene! what was that for?"

tsukasa sighs, turning back to the paper in front of him, laying his head down and falling back to sleep. still, he couldn't because of the chatter from the girls. they talked about the most random things, yet the topic of rui had his interests peaked somehow.

he learned rui didn't enjoy cleaning, scared of vegetables and enjoyed stage directing. he found that somewhat, intriguing? nevermind, he'll just try to nap.


"tsukasa. hello?"

he blonde freezes, he sits up quickly, his head hits something, he faces rui who stepped back holding his chin with a confused face. he hit his chin, he didn't enjoy this interaction at all. tsukasa apologizes, "you scared me awake."

"i'm aware, it's fine it's not like i'm bleeding."

"okay..." he stands up and grabs his bag.

"ah! nene, i forgot my bag! please wait for me."

the name sounds familiar, rui looks toward the door, the pink haired girl bursts through. she gasps putting her hands over her mouth.

"tsukasa and rui!" she waves at them, nene follows behind her hesitantly, waving at rui and putting her head down when she faces tsukasa.

rui pulls tsukasa out the room, "you know them?"

tsukasa shrugs, he pushes rui's hand off him, he didn't like being held like that, not when the grip was suffocating. not when someone he dislikes is doing it, "we've hardly had a conversation today, you told them about me."

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