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good night, rui.

tsukasa bumped his shoulder against rui's gently

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tsukasa bumped his shoulder against rui's gently. rui hums, leaning toward tsukasa a little to hear the boy over the chatter around them, tsukasa presses his lips together.

"do you wanna ditch? we have this every week nothing new to announce anyway." tsukasa hold's rui's sleeve, his hand falls to his side while he watches rui think to himself.

he nods, quickly pulling tsukasa out of the crowds. school was about to end and they had gathered for school announcements, nothing new just exams and finals. tsukasa watches rui's hand lead him toward the exit of the school, no guards around because of the assembly. he wanted to pull away but he wasn't going to be rude and shove his hand away like he usually would.

"you said you have a cat? can i meet your cat?"

rui hums, he nods pulling him toward the nearby station, rui held his fingers gently, leading him to their destinations to the end, rui didn't notice he did that. tsukasa was confused but he didn't mind it, at the end it was rather comforting.

tsukasa sat on the floor, robot pieces layed out on rui's desk, a sketch of a robot sat there he could only inspect it and admire his work. rui walks in, smoothies in hand and strawberry sandwiches gently stuffed into his pocket, he's lucky they were small and basically the size of his pocket.

"she's around here somewhere, she doesn't like people." rui laughs a bit, tsukasa only nods cautiously eating the pastry in his hand.

the black cat finally shows up, rui allows her to sit herself in his lap looking at the stranger and back at rui blinking slowly and leaving his lap for the stranger's. rui fondly watches the cat sit, she purred when the blonde's hand found itself in her fur.

"what's her name?" tsukasa finally managed to ask, the question being stuck in his throat the entire time. rui scoots closer, knees knock together and shoulders placed together.


tsukasa looks at rui, awkwardly smiling, he looks down at the cat. rui wanted to pet tsukasa but that was weird, he isn't a cat even though he reminds him of one. the taller boy sat on his bed, watching the blonde interact with his cat while eating the pastry. he took a bite out of his own pastry and tilts his head when tsukasa looks up at him.

"sorry, it's awkward because of me. i'm bad at conversations." tsukasa frowns, that's a lie, he's very extroverted he just didn't want to bother or make rui uncomfortable.

"thank you for the pastry and smoothie, rui. they tasted good."

rui doesn't respond, he just sets his hand on tsukasa's head and pets it. he watches tsukasa become less tense, a small smile on his lips. tsukasa was relieved that rui wasn't uncomfortable, he was comfortable enough to touch him.

"wait, why'd you pet me?" tsukasa's eyes widen, he leans away from the hand.

rui laughs a little, "you looked like you were enjoying it."

"what?! i was just happy i didn't make you uncomfortable."

the taller boy raises his brows, he sat on the floor, clarity already marched her way off tsukasa's lap when rui pet the blonde and not her, "why would i be, tsukasa?"

"because i was rude, annoying and just a bitch toward you? i don't know i just cant bring myself to the conclusion that we are actually friends i guess."

rui sighs, "well? we don't have to be, we can be acquaintances until you're ready to be friends."

tsukasa shakes his head, "i want to be around you."

"then? doesn't that make us friends?"

tsukasa shrugs, "i don't want to be friends if you're uncomfortable so until you are we can be."

rui raises a brow, his shoulders fall and he sighs, there's no convincing this boy. he only nods and rolls onto his bed, he shuts his eyes and only wonders if tsukasa likes him enough to be friends.

tsukasa lays his head on the bed and shuts his own eyes, "good night, rui."

🍅🍅 boring chapter oopsies

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