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what the fuck do you mean a bug escaped?

what the fuck do you mean a bug escaped?

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there's no spicy ramen at the store :(

are u fr wtf

we never hang out without having spicy
noodles, give me a sec i have a recipe

are u cooking?

yeah i didn't think i'd use this recipe tho

it's the first time i do let's hope it tastes..


don't doubt yourself darling

good morning to everyone
except emu and nene

so me

good morning !! are we hanging at my
place for the project?

no fucking shit idiot i don't want bugs
in my room

hold on that was harsh i'm sorry rui

it's okay i know you're joking

still i'm sorry i didn't mean to
be rude

abc's and tsukasa

tsukasa are you hanging out
with that weirdo again

that's rude akito

yeah? is there a problem?

you're actually brain washed

akito don't be so mean

rui isn't a bad person u know


get the stick out ur ass asshole

did something happen with
ena again?


i'll be back


tsukasa found himself sitting on rui's bed, papers spread everywhere and rui analyzed the worms and ladybugs a bit close. tsukasa tried his best to stay composed and rui was really proud of him for that.

tsukasa sighs, he looks at rui, looks at the papers then back at rui, hesitantly he taps his back.

"i'm tired."

rui hums, he cleans up the papers and organized them before laying beside tsukasa.

"i was too, they were getting boring. i'm pretty sure one of the roaches is pregnant by the way."

tsukasa blinks, he turns to rui and his face is unreadable. the blonde breathes shakily before looking back at the ceiling, "did you close the cage?"

the taller's eyes widen, he pushes himself off the bed, closes the lid and counts the bugs. a centipede is missing. he sits there in disbelief, turns to tsukasa who noticed the missing insect and he felt himself tremble.

rui grits his teeth, he tucked up real bad this time and he didn't know what to do.


emu and nene were surprised at the news of tsukasa's fear, they had rushed to rui's place as soon as possible before rui turned the place upside down in panic.

the centipede was found beneath his rug, luckily alive. emu puts the bug back into the cage, making sure she closes and locks it before going to tsukasa to make sure he's fine.

"i'm gonna explode," he mumbles, rubbing his thumb against his palm, biting his lower lip and holding a pillow all at once.

rui had his head on nene's shoulder and emu comforted tsukasa with a hug, it was a big mess but they found the bug and as much as nene was also freaked out she stayed calm for tsukasa, so that he could possibly try to get over his fear.

nene pulls emu off tsukasa and throws rui onto the blonde, "okay thanks i'll take my girlfriend back now."

rui chuckles dryly at the girl, he noticed tsukasa hold his shirt while he sat up, the girls could only look at each other and smile. the blonde didn't like that so he retracted his hand and dug it into the bed.

"we will get him water, rui would you also like some water? you did a lot of looking you're out of breath..." nene grabs emu's hand, she walks out the door when rui nods.

rui stares at tsukasa, he wasn't able to find the right words.

"are you gonna keep staring?"

"no, sorry, are you okay?"

tsukasa frowns, "yeah i am, why're you sorry?"

"i was being weird again by staring at you," rui kept his eyes on his lap. he knew emu and nene were back but outside the door, he was fine with them listeninf because he knew they'd end up waiting for the conversation to be over and wait in the living room.

tsukasa scoots toward rui, his knees bumping against his thigh, "you're not weird. i don't think you're weird."

"you said i'm a freak?"

tsukasa's frown deepens, "that was three months ago, i didn't know what i was saying. you're not weird or a freak you're a good person and i like that! you're weird in a good way, it's makes you, you."

rui hums, tracing shapes on tsukasa's knee.

"stop doubting me i'm serious."

"i know, it's just nice to hear that from you."

tsukasa's cheeks flush, his cheeks burned and his cheeks glows bright red, "yea.. yeah. i'm always here for you."



that's fucking gay

i'm so tired this is a short chapter mb

ummm thank you for reading this also
i lied when i said they'd kiss in chapter 10
they're in their friends zone

kiss? chapter 40.


you're coming back ; ruikasaWhere stories live. Discover now