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a trip to london!

a trip to london!

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you left 14 hours ago

we landed not too long ago




shit mt signal lowk Ass rui
i'll text you later

oh okay

have a good day

thank you i'll try

he grunts. he drags his suitcases throughout their airbnb, he drops to his bed as soon as he finds his room and curls into a ball. 11 hours away from his friends, it felt weird. he flips his phone out, messages from mizuki, emu and saki on his phone, he tried to fish out rui's but he didn't send him a message.

he frowns, he only frowns and puts his phone on the bed side table, meiko gently knocks on his door, cracking it open when he hums giving her permission to open it, his eyes felt dry and he felt sticky from the flight but his nerves also got the best of him, he felt so tired.

"kaito and i are going to the café near by, want anything?"

the blonde shakes his head, "i'd rather rest for a bit... thank you for the offer."

"hmph... alright i'll still bring you a cold drink though, rest well tsukasa."


when tsukasa woke up his body was entangled with his blankets, his clothing stuck to his skin, he woke up sweating and his eyes still felt dry. he felt sick, this always happened after long flights, who knows how long it'll take for him to feel better. he manages to unravel himself and get out of bed, cracking his door open to see rin and miku chatting at the kitchen counter, meiko brushing out len's hair while they also chatted and watched whatever was on tv, kaito in his and meiko's room still resting and luka drinking coffee while reading.

jeez, it was as if they were family. he sneaks passed the two girls at the counter, grabbing his drink and removing the lid. a foam cat with a cute face sat on the very top, the obvious streaks in the cat to represent rui, so cheesy. the cup was decorated with two girls holding hands and the words:have fun in london; above, it was obvious luka doodled nene and emu on his cup, her small doodles were always recognizable.

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