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kissing through the barrier.

there's three days until the festival, rui felt ecstatic, tsukasa was nervous

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there's three days until the festival, rui felt ecstatic, tsukasa was nervous. it was still a bit weird between the two but it was obviously so much desires and feelings that were in their air that it was just apparent to everybody. rui would walk a tiny bit farther than tsukasa and suddenly they're shoulder to shoulder within a blink of an eye.

speaking of, they walked home together today, two days after they "made up." they're walking toward tsukasa's place, with the blonde fidgeting because they always met at rui's or hung out there. yet now they're heading to his place, he hasn't cleaned in a while and he's scared it'll smell bad.

when they reach the door tsukasa asks rui to stand outside his room, so the taller does. he waits and waits. the rattling inside startled him but he was just happy to be there.

the door swung open revealing a tidy room and a tsukasa, hesitantly tsukasa steps aside for rui to walk in. so the boy does, he finds his way to his bed and sits down. tsukasa follows behind and licks his lips.

"i'm sorry."

rui looks up at tsukasa, "why?"

"i got mad over a stupid thing..."

rui puts his bag down, he faces tsukasa and presses his lips into a thin line.

"it's understandable, i got upset when that jeremiah guy stuck to you when you were gone... i don't like the idea of anyone trying to take my spot," rui felt so embarrassed for letting that out.

"what spot?" the blonde replies, obviously teasing rui.

"ah— um... y'know—"

tsukasa cuts his off by humming and laughing, "i'm kidding. i'll tell you everything soon rui. i promise."

rui's heart beats so fast, fast enough that he hears it, he looks down at tsukasa's lips, tasting the same he did when they kissed. he gulps nervously and tsukasa tilts his head. rui wants to explode but tsukasa also wants to explode too. he noticed immediately when rui got flustered, he found it so endearing.

tsukasa puts his hand against rui's lips, he somewhat tumbles to be closer the purple haired boy, with the barrier on rui's lips he plants a gentle kiss. then he moves his hand to his forehead, another kiss, then his cheek, another kiss. by the time tsukasa got to move his hand again rui found himself leaning in, the barrier making it harder to itch the affection he had, the affection he badly wants to display.

the blonde sits back and scratches his head, his cheeks flushed. rui's eyes scan his expression and his body language, there's obviously something deep inside tsukasa that he badly wants to tell rui but he won't force it out. whatever it is he'll let the boy tell him on his own time.


rui <3

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