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art by @hukuma6

rui sat at the exits, playing with a bracelet he had made for tsukasa while he was away

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rui sat at the exits, playing with a bracelet he had made for tsukasa while he was away. his breath hitches when his phone pings, shining with the background of tsukasa and emu asleep on each other's shoulders. he smiles down at his phone and opens up the notification, tsukasa sent him a message reading: i landed.

his heart does a quick lap, usually he would feel slightly soft when tsukasa did things at first he never understand why. especially when tsukasa would brush up against his shoulder and whisper into his ear despite loathing each other. rui's case was different.

he stands when he sees tsukasa's messy hair walk out the doors, he waits for the latter to look from the floor and see him. the blonde yawns, rolls his eyes up and meets rui's yellow eyes. he speeds his pace a bit, quickly finding himself holding onto the cardigan rui wore.

"i'm so tired," tsukasa's head falls onto rui's shoulder.

rui laughs a little bit before slightly pushing the latter off. considering the fact that he was waiting for tsukasa to answer him properly he didn't wanna be played with. so he just lets his hands fall to his side, "hold off the touching for a bit..."

the blonde only blinks in response and follows rui, they get into a cab and they're off to rui's place.


tsukasa wakes up, drool dry on his chin and his cheek sore. he looks up to see nene at his side, he's in rui's room he definitely knows that but he doesn't know where rui is. he peeks around and spots akira with emu, blowing balloons. tsukasa's heart dropped.

he stands quickly, "i need to make a phone call."

they all nod and watch as he speed walks out the room.

the moment his exposed skin feels the breeze of the air outside he lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. he felt so confused, everywhere tsukasa went akira was there. as if he's purposefully haunting him and his thoughts.

he kneels down and puts his head onto his knees.


speak of the devil.

tsukasa raised his head, akira smiles at him and kneels down too. looking at him with a soft look, "you look sad."

"i'm fine," tsukasa looks away.

"are you sure...? you can talk to me," akira frowns, putting a hand on the latter's back to give him a sign of support.

tsukasa stands abruptly, pushing back akira's hand.

"why do you have to be everywhere i go? you were with rui like gum stuck to a shoe and i expected rui and i to be alone once i came back so that we can just chill or sleep but you're there! i... i cant help but feel jealous and insecure whenever you're around and i'm so sick of it! i'm sick of you!"

that was harsh. tsukasa watches akira's soft face fall to a saddened one, the blonde hesitantly steps back, "i'm sorry... i should've been around less i guess."

"don't apologize, it's whatever, it's fine. i swear. i'm gonna go now."

akira parts his lips to stop tsukasa but nothing came out. akira felt sick to their stomach, he felt like they were gonna vomit. he gulps it back and hopes nothing happens, of course the world has to be against him though. rui stood there with a angry face and fists clenched.

"akira what why didn't you explain?" he semi-shouts, stepping out of the house to get closer to the boy.

"he looked... miserable. i didn't have the confidence to tell him and it shouldn't be me! you're the one who's after him and he obviously likes you what's not clicking!"

rui grits his teeth, "whatever is happening with me and tsukasa is none of your business. it's up to him to tell me that, so hearing it from you doesn't mean anything to me because you could be lying. who knows! maybe you're still the same. just... look out for tsukasa better because he obviously wanted someone to comfort him. you just don't know him that well i guess."

rui bumps his fist against the red head's shoulder gently giving him a pained smile and walking off the catch the blonde. as soon as he does he catches his wrist, turns him around and looks him dead in the eyes.

"what is wrong?"

it sounded like a command. tsukasa felt himself shake up, built up fear and sadness being squeezed out of every pore. he wanted to stay with rui but he was too blinded by his insecurities. he didn't want to hurt rui, he didn't feel like enough, he felt boring and... and he felt so gross.

rui squeezed tsukasa's shoulder, "you don't need to tell me but at least let me stay with you?"

"i think... i want to be alone for now," tsukasa found his way out of rui's hold.

"can you do that for me just for now?"

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