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amor eres tu.

tsukasa blinks, he was laying on a bed but he remembers sitting on a floor

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tsukasa blinks, he was laying on a bed but he remembers sitting on a floor. he sits up expecting rui to be beside him, luckily he's not. he found rui sleeping peacefully on the floor, carpet stuck to his back and the hello kitty blanket kicked off his body.

he lays back down, clarity sits on his stomach, he pets her gently, she bumps her head against his chin and rubs it. he tilts his head until she meows, head turning toward a bag of cat food. hesitantly he stands up and grabs the bag, scooping food in a cup and pouring it into the pink bowl. his shoulder felt heavy, he whips his head around, rui half asleep on his shoulder, he watches his lips part.

"nene... it's too early to be up."

tsukasa's shoulders fall from their tense state to a bored one, he turns, rui now forced to face tsukasa. his brows furrowed and lips pressed together.

"i am not nene. you forgot your own guest?" tsukasa rolls his eyes, marches his way back onto the bed and tucks himself, it was only 4:57 am, very early. too early actually, they fell asleep at 5:40 pm so being up early wasn't a surprise at least to tsukasa.

rui frowns, "tsukasa? am i dreaming?"

tsukasa raises a brow, somewhat entertained at the taller boy. he watches how rui tilts his head, slowly falling over in the process but he catches himself mid way, his brows raise like as if he was finally awake. rui was aware he caught himself by laying on tsukasa's shoulder.

if you told tsukasa three months ago that rui kamishiro would be laying his head on his shoulder one day he would laugh in your face and walk away, he wouldn't ever believe you, in fact he'd assume it's some sick joke being pulled by akito.

tsukasa unknowingly lays his own head against rui's he felt him stiffen, he would've punched the taller boy, cuss him out for getting close to him but now, he felt comfortable and at home even. if he were to be honest he always felt at home with rui even when he hated him, he wouldn't admit that.

mizuki called it fate, saki said they're soulmates. he thinks they're being over dramatic, soulmates are cheesy. he thought about how saki told him soulmates didn't have to be romantic, but she added sometimes they start platonically and end romantically which he thinks is stupid. there's no way your romantic soulmate is your platonic one and you're platonic one your romantic one. tsukasa rolls his eyes at the thought, rui pulls tsukasa up, he didn't expect it but he was lucky to catch himself.

"this might be sudden, weird even, can i lay my head in your lap? i often do that with nene, emu and mizuki i don't know if it's weird to ask you."

tsukasa was now wide awake, not semi-awake. he lifts a brow at the taller boy, he hesitated before giving in, he sat on the bed, back against the wall while rui follows after, pulling his comforters over him and closing his eyes soon after.

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