Chapter One

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Leanna's pov

Robert. Disgusting, yet possibly misunderstood many say. Don't know how the fuck they think that after everything he's done. He has dark brown mysterious eyes and long, usually tied-back, black hair that covered most of his big ass forehead. His words strike you like a needle through your brittle skin. The meanest man the village has ever had to deal with. And that is saying a lot, there are some shitty people here.

For a little bit of context, before I trash talk the shit out of this man, we live in a magical town where everyone has badass powers that we use to help around the place and allow us to be cool as fuck. We were given these powers by a god, Todas, meaning all. Everyone calls her something different depending on their main language. She is the god that protects all the amazing cultures around the world.

Thousands of years ago, she collected one person from every culture and moved them into this town, named "gifts", in whatever language you speak. For me, being Spanish, I call our town Regalos. These people soon became curious of why they were there, so they asked her. Todas informed them with a promise that if they could behave and create a healthy lifestyle for them all, she would give them magic, and every baby after them magic as well. The towns' people were very excited for this news. As soon as they could, they built houses together, taught everyone different things from each country, and did so much more. Everyone loved it.

The town had almost forgotten about Todas' promise. When she saw that they had done what she asked and more, she gave them all gifts like she promised, and each time after a baby was born, them a gift too. She has been doing the gift ceremonies for us to this very day. Every baby that is born gets a ceremony that offers them a special gift two weeks after they are born. It is the most amazing thing.

We love our multilingual magical town, and our blessings from Todas.

I was given the gift of teleportation, most people say its basic, but basic can be good! At least I love it. Teleporting randomly around town is so much fun to me. And my current friend group find it hilarious too. I love annoying that little bitch Simon. Ahh, gotta love him. (Not) He makes fun of our group all the time. We all have "basic" powers according to him, but I don't think we do. Nor do I or my friends care about his opinion. We are all special in our own ways. Fuck you Simon.

My mamá, Rosia, was given the power of fire, and she uses that for good use. She loves cooking and making bonfires for the town. Her fire gift can be extremely useful for the gatherings we do in the village.

Robert was given the power of weather control. He used it for mostly good, like watering crops, giving water to people in need, and so on, until he realised what power he holds with it.

When he gets super mad, which happens a lot due to his anger issues, he would create a massive storm cloud that made deadly thunder and lightning that can and had destroyed the town. He used to apologise about it, but after a while he noticed that people were afraid of him and left him alone in fear. He quickly realised he loved that feeling for some reason.

People scared of him? Leaving him alone? Fear him and his gift? He thought it was awesome, but he never told anyone that the thought of being evil was what he craved. It would be a secret that he'd keep to himself. After time, he slowly became more and more insane, until one day he cracked.

When I was only five, and he was about thirty-two, he came to my house. Him and my mum were really good friends at the time, and me and his daughter, Akia, sort of knew each other too. Robert said hello to me when I came out to the kitchen where my mamá was just leaving to clean or something, I don't remember too well. I said hi back, being the sweet little five-year-old I was, and we sat down and started an innocent conversation.

We talked about school and how I was so excited to soon attend it. We talked about his wife and his daughter and how much he loved them both. That part I wasn't too interested in, but he seemed happy, so I let him go. He smiled when he talked about how him and his wife have dated for like ten years, it was pretty cool to see him happy, since he always seemed so sad. I felt happy for him.

"Me and her bond over our anger issues. It's kind of funny, although we tend to fight a lot," He laughed.

I laughed too, "Yeah? That's a funny way to bond Robert."

He smiled at me and put his hand on my leg, "I love how you have a strong voice, Leanna; you always say what you think." I didn't. I lied all the time as a child, at that age I didn't know that lying was bad, so I took it as a complement.

"Thanks! I love how you talk about your problems. It's a great way to let go," I mumbled. He smiled at me again.

He nods, "Thanks Leanna."

We talked and smiled and laughed and talked. My mum eventually came back and joined us. More talking and smiling...

Hours passed. It was all fun and games until he had to go.

Robert looked up at the yellow clock hanging on our kitchen wall, "Oh my god, Leanna. We were talking for so long I lost track of time! I probably have to go, or my wife will be worried!" He says to me.

The smile fades from my face as the words leave his mouth, "Aw. Okay Robert, see you next time."

He smiles at me and pats my shoulder as he stands up, "Maybe tomorrow? I'm free and I loved talking with you," The smile comes back to me after he said that. Reassurance. I was glad he loved us talking. It was nice to see him happy, and I was happy too.

"Bye Robert!" I say as he waves to my mum, myself too, and walks out the door.

Turns out all the nice things he said about his wife were false. And he wasn't the happy person we've seen him be.

That was the last time I even saw him fake "happy". Especially near me.

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