Chapter Four

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Narrator's pov

After being traumatised by Robert murdering his wife and knocking out her mamá, eleven years later, Leanna is living sort of happily not giving a care about him. She is more focused on her friends and school at the moment. Being sixteen can do some damage, but she's living alright.

Kairos, Cora, Akina, Carlos, and herself are all friends, a little group of gay people. Except for Carlos, poor boy got black and white. He supports all his friends until he dies though, so they haven't kicked him out, not yet at least. Just kidding...

About three years ago they all came together with the same idea and built a treehouse with some spare wood Cora's dad, a carpenter, had left over from his recent project. It took at least a month to build, but after time they got it done, and now it is their little spot. It's up high and has an amazing view of the village and the forest that surrounds it. Kai was sort of scared of heights, but he has gotten used to it, and honestly now he goes there more out of the others.

Currently, they are all there to plan something for Leanna's little brother, Dante, birthday! He is turning six this year, and even though it isn't a first birthday, or a big deal like being double-digits, Leanna loves to spoil him every year. It's her and her group's little tradition they hold, as her mum never seems to be too bothered with making it extra special for Dante. Or Leanna. Only the big numbers, one, ten, thirteen, sixteen, eighteen, you get the gist. 

Leanna's friends love Dante. He is a bubbly kid with a big heart, why wouldn't you love him? Carlos seemed to connect with him the most, like siblings.

Leanna has a notepad out with dot points of what her friends had already suggested. Paint ball, petting zoo, tree climbing, arts and crafts, and a few more.

"Oo oo! What about a pool party?" Cora spurted, wiggling around like an excited little kid.

"Are you saying that just because you have water manipulation powers, or?" Carlos replied, tilting his head sarcastically.

"No! Well, yes, but no? Yeah," Cora stuttered.

"No, no, that is a good idea, I'll add it to the list!" Leanna says clicking her pen and scribbling down the letters onto her notepad.

"Highlight it. I'm the only one with good ideas here anyway," Cora laughs, tossing her light pink braids off of her shoulder. Leanna nods playfully and scribbles a line under the point.

"I think Dante would love it, and it isn't too messy like paint ball," Leanna chimed, looking at Akina, who twiddles her thumbs inside her cardigan sleeves.

"Sorry for the idea Leanna, jeez," Akina says, rolling her eyes back sarcastically.

Leanna laughs, "So we all good with the pool party idea? That is my favourite one so far, and the easiest to do," They all nod, ecstatic that they found an idea.

"I think he will love it for sure! Wait, uh, when is his birthday again?" Kai questioned, trying to seem nice.

"It is tomorrow dummy," Carlos states, "Get with the program," He says sassily clicking his fingers in front of his face.

Kai's face goes slightly pink with embarrassment then laughs awkwardly and answers him, "Oh thanks. I just have a terrible memory," He scratches his dirty brown fluffy hair and pushes it out of his face.

"We know hon, but Mr Sassy Pants here doesn't have to be rude to you," Cora buts, pointing her thumb rudely into his direction, and patting Kai on the shoulder gently. Kai thanks her as Leanna clears her throat to talk again.

"The party isn't tomorrow, but the day after Mr Sassy Pants. So, we don't have to worry about setting it up today. Tomorrow we will come here at around two o'clock and plan exactly what we will do. I have a bit of the stuff already at home so no need to worry until tomorrow! Got it everyone?" She continued. The group agrees with her, as most of them can't be bothered to argue with Leanna's stubbornness. But they have to admit, she is right, it is a good idea.

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