Returning Memories

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Class 1-A has to take care of Eri, while in school and outside of school. They quickly catch on to the fact, that what most other kids got to experince in Eri's age, was something she had never tried. And while trying to make Eri happy, something ends up going terribly wrong.


Class 1-A were being awfully quiet, as their home-room teacher suddenly entered the classroom, behind him following what seemed to be a little girl. Her light blue hair were in a small ponytail, matching with the blue and white dress she were wearing. While her small hands had a tight grip around the raven haired teachers- giving a clear signal to the class that she weren't comfortable.

But eventhough they all knew about her being uncomfortable, neither the class nor the teacher seemed to mind. After all, the entire reason she had been brought to the class, was to help her socialise and make friends. So they all knew about her social akwardsness and insecurities. Everyone had also been informed, the day prior, of the little girls arrival, as to make sure noone were to be confused.

The tension in the classroom seemed to get thicker, as noone dared to say anything; either because they didn't know what to say, or because they didn't want to say anything, that could ruin this day for the little girl.

Until a sudden voice seemed to break the thick atmosphere, that seemed to have engulfed the room "Hey Eri! How are you?" Eri seemed to look up from the ground, at the sound of a familiar voice. She were met with a big, bright smile and two shining green orbs looking back at her. Eyes that everyone could recognize from miles away. Her hands faltered from their spot in the teachers hold, as she returned the smile, while taking a step away from the elder. "I'm good, Mr. Deku! How are you?".

"That's good to hear Eri. I'm good too!" They smiled at eachother, as the entire class just seemed to be watching the two of them talk, the atmosphere in the room also seemed to get lighter, making it more comfortable for everyone in it. Noone in the class seemed to be surprised at the sudden mood change coming from the youngest, as they all knew the strong connection between her and Midoriya.

"Alright, can i get your attention" The entire class looked away from the scene infront of them, to turn their gazes towards their teacher. "As you all know, just because Eri is here doesn't mean y'all get to be slacking off. We still have training to do, and Eri will just be watching" Some 'sighs' could be heard around the classroom, as some of the students probably thought that having Eri here would mean, that they got to take a break. *Cough* Kaminari, Sero and Mina *Cough*

The teacher took a quick look around the room, to make sure everyone was listening before continuing "And i expect you all to keep a close eye on Eri, as she is your responsibility for the rest of the day" Quiet groans and sighs could be heard around the room, until a sudden voice stood out- "Aren't you supposed to watch her though?".

And the entire class knew he fucked up, as the teachers hair suddenly rose, glaring at the student who had talked out loud. "Do you have something to say, Kaminari?" The blonde just simply shook his head from side to side, as he were already intimidated by the teacher.

"That's what i thought"


When the clock suddenly began to ring, indicating the end of the school day, all of the students began to pack their things, as they all seemed to let out a relived sigh. All og their muscels already arching, from over working their quirks and doing combat training most of the day.

Eri had been with class 1-A the entire day as promised. She would switch between groups around the day, especielly when lunch time occured, sometimes eating with either Bakugous- or Midoriyas friendgroups. As they seemed to be the only groups getting the little girls attention.

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