(ᴏʟᴅ)"Why are you running away?"

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(( "Why are you running away?" Yandere tommyinnt x child/preteen/young teen reader. 100% platonic! Requested? Nope.
TW: manipulation, forced affection, forced eating, kidnaping, Stockholm syndrome? Obsession, swearing, (obviously) , drugging Blah blah blah etc,))

((IN THIS THE READER IS 12-14 because yes.))





Your pov:
Never in my life would I think my best friend. And fuck maybe even brother figure would do this to me. But here I am. Running.

I can feel my legs growing tired but I can't stop. If he finds me.. FUCK I DIDN'T THINK THAT FAR AHEAD-
I know he feels betrayed by everyone.. maybe that's why he did this? To protect me? Or to feel like I won't leave him? Did I betray him by doing this?


That's what he wants you to think.

Keep running.
Keep running.
Keep running.
Keep running.
Keep running.
Keep running.
Keep running.
Keep running.
Keep running.


I think I hear him.
No more fucking thinking just run.

My legs grew weak.
But I had to keep running.
I was doing good to untill..

I heard him speak.

"[Name]... Why would you do this to me. Your big brother. I just wanted to protect you. C'mon. [Nickname] come home."


I was doing so good. Until that.
It shook me up so much. I'm scared. And sadly. That was enough to make me lose sight of my surroundings.

And trip.

I scrambled to get up but then I felt arms pick me up. And a tiny prick feeling on my neck.
Then I blacked out.

~Time skip brought to you by bob: (・∀・)~

Still your pov:
I should be more used to waking up chained to a wall but nope. I still am not.

So here I am. Standing chained to a wall. In this same fucking room. Ack. This is the way I die.

My thoughts were interrupted as soon as I heard shuffling outside the door.
Then a very- sad? Happy? I dunno just werid looking innt walked in.
~second pov:~
"Oh hey! Your awake!"
He ran up to you and put the food he was holding on the table next to you.


"Not speaking huh? I don't even know why you are mad. I'm the one that got heart broken when you ran away from me."

He inched closer and put his hand on your cheek.


"... Well if you don't want to apologize then fine. Guess I'll just feed you and leave. I shouldn't even feed you for what you did. But I'm better than all those other worthless pieces of shit and I love you."

He picked up the plate and began to spoon feed you.

You spit the food out onto him.

(Haha L)



You flinched back scared.

"You made a messsss c'mon kid I'm just trying to be a good big brother." He whined and frowned.

"...s- sOrry"
You were dehydrated so you voice cracked. You didn't want to aplogize but you were scared.

He threw the plate, accidentally spilling all the food, and gave you a hug.

"Your hugs are the best you'know [nickname]" he mumbled.

He stopped hugging you and ran to the kitchen to get a new plate of food. Good thing wil told him to always be prepared as a kid.

You sighed.

~Tommy pov:~
I'm rather disappointed that they tried to leave me. But please- as if they could leave me. I had that tracker installed for a reason. They are quite silly. And that's perfect. Only I can laugh at their jokes. Only I can look at them. They are my sibling. Mine.
I can't let dream get to them. He will hurt them. Everyone will hurt them. That's why I can't let them go.

Now time to give them this food.

~Time skip brought to you by... well uh- I don't know their name. YOU NAME THEM.: (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)~
After you ate the damn food:
~second pov:~

Tommy unchained you from the wall and instead had you chained up on the bed.

He was cuddled up with you resting his head in your neck. Ah was he glad he drugged you food so you could be asleep and wouldn't struggle. He hated that he learned how to do drugs and fighting since he was 9 but it meant he was better at protecting you.

He loved you. You are like his little sibling. No. You are his little sibling.

"Don't worry about anything [name] your safe now. Big brother has you all safe. All safe..."

((HOW WAS IT? this is my first time writing a oneshot- also my frist time writing yandere- sorry if it sucks I'm trying to get better!! I hope you liked it!

-oliver out! :] ))

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