~Brainwashed~ Y!Serial killer!Ranboo x P!Teen!Reader

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I have a y!dsmp villain au x Gn!Spiderman reader(platonic duh) soooo check that out! And of course follow and vote yada yada

Also look at my request page >:}
That's right! If you are seeing this when it comes out my requests are open for a short amount of time!



Tw/The usual + gore/graphic details


You walked down the cold streets in the dark. 'its fine. I'm fine.' is what you had to tell yourself. This walk never used to bother you but since people have been going missing you can't bring yourself to feel safe. You huddle your arms close together as you continue on home.

You always feel watched, but that's just the paranoia right?

You've realized that the police in your town are quite idiotic. There are so many clues at the crime scene and yet they catch none? It's like they're being bribed or something!

So many have gone missing, and even more have wond up dead and yet no one seems to care. People at school don't care. Parents? Don't care. Even after all the people that have gone missing!

You can't help but be terrified in every waking moment. The killer had recently killed your best friend, and yet you still had to go to school and work. You couldn't help but want to sob and lock yourself in your room.

Your room. It had a big board in it which had pictures and news articles and any evidence you could possibly find on the killer. Supposedly they wear a mask and are seen to be super tall. That's all people have on them tho.

Your music plays in your earbuds, you put it on to ease paranoia but it doesn't seem to be helping. You look around frantically, staying away from the road and the dark alleys at the same time.

Finally you make it onto your street but you see a tall person in a...mask..starring at you. You try and ignore it but they start walking behind you. You make a run for it, darting to your house. They quickly run after you.

Your chest heaves as you make it to the door. You struggle with the keys while trying to open the door. You drop the keys and the person is getting closer. You have no time. You run around to the back yard but they tackle you before you reach the door.

"HEL-" They cover your mouth and look around. Luckily for them no one cares. Maybe one house turns their lights on but after a minute or two they turn it back off.

"Shshsh." They whisper into your ear as they keep you restrained. You sob into their hand which is keeping your mouth muffled.

"Please don't kill me" You sob out into his hand.

"It's okay. It will all be okay." They play with your hair as they keep you restrained. Eventually they stop and grab the cloth before taking their hand off your mouth and slapping the cloth on instead.

You try and shake it off. You refuse to breathe it in. They have to keep your head still as they try and convince you that everything is fine.

Eventually you breathe it in. No choice, it was that or suffocating. Your body goes limp and your breathing slows down. The person sighs and takes the cloth off of your mouth. They wipe away your tears and pick you up before bringing you over to their car. They quickly drive home.

FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now