Trust ~ Y!Various x M!PreTeen!Reader

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(Tbh this will be mainly jack and like Abit Tommy because uhm. Yes. This is based off the dective stream Tommy did. Aha I hope you enjoy. Also help m o t i v a t i o n. Also chat in this is like a little butterfly that follows Tommy around and tells him stuff )


You were walking on the prime path when you passed by Tommy and tubbo ,in grayscale and detective outfits, by the hotel. You stared at them for a moment and then Tommy noticed you and called you over.


"okok geez."

You walked over and Tommy put his arm over you like he always does.

"[Name] look at my hotel."


"It's been blown! Me and scribble are figuring this out. Your joining us."

"Who's scribble- and no I have stuff to do-"

"Me!" Tubbo piped up.


"ugh fine whatever. What are the clues?"


"O k"

"It's a women" Tubbo was now speaking while Tommy was jumping around and acting like he was beating up bad guys.

".... I'm sorry what now-"

"The signs say 'im doing this because of your actions against women kind' or something"

"O h- damnit Tommy what did you do this time "


"for fucks sake- this sign over here says you angered Hannah rose- are you idiots?"

"I- wha- no-"

"However-" you somehow were in a detective outfit now, " this was Jack's hotel aswell. We should talk to him. It says in your book that Hannah said sorry to jack in the sign. Maybe they are friends and he'll know more about her motives"

"HOLY SHIT [NAME] YOUR A GENIUS and you look adorable as a little detective" he started talking in a baby voice about how cute you were. You weren't a baby! (If you are, how. How. Damn genius baby's.)

You sighed and tubbo pat your head.

"Just get jack over here-"

"On it!"

Tommy called Jack and told him about the case. Jack then said he was a detective aswell and you talked for the first time since the call.

"Really? That's cool!"

Jack didn't know you were on this case. You always respected him and cared about him! Maybe he could make you think he was even cooler.

He showed up and they started working on the case.

"We should go talk to Hannah." Tubbo said.

"I mean yeah- if she did it we have to question her" jack said. He seemed nervous but whatever.

"I dunno. Why would she make it so obvious. It doesn't seem like her." You stated.

"nono it's gotta be her who else could it be?" Jack nervously sputtered out. 

"Yeah. C'mon [name] y'know I always believe you but jack seems right on this" Tommy said. It's quite werid for him to be agreeing with Jack. He never does. You feel bad for Jack. He seems like a good guy.

FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now