Lost and found ~ Y!Beeduo x Child!Reader

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You were lost. Well obviously. You sat in the cold, cold, SO VERY COLD, woods. There was snow all around, dancing as it fell. You were 'lost' but not unhappy, just scared, AND COLD. You sat down and drew little pictures in the snow. What if someone came and saved the day! Like a super hero!

No one really knows exactly why you were 'lost'. Maybe your family left you. Maybe you truly are lost. Maybe your village burned down and you ran from it without your parents. No matter the cause, you tell everyone your parents lost you. You don't want to push it on anyone, or make yourself seem weak. Although there was a reason, and I assure you, you weren't just 'lost'.

You started crying. Even if you were trying to keep it in , you couldn't. Your cold, scared, alone. So so so many things. Must be hard. There was shuffling in the background but you couldn't hear, to focused on sobbing. I'm surprised you didn't feel the warm arms hug you and lift you into their chest.

You then realized and sobbed harder. Into their chest. They seemed to flinch. As if your tears stung them. You looked up at the man holding you. You stiffened up and dried your tears.

"I'm s-sorry sir *hiccup* I'm lost"

"it's ok. What do your parents look like? I can help you find them!"

"n- no tha- *hiccup" -nk you"

"Oh? Why not-?"

"*quiet rambling*"


"I'm just going to go-"

"No it's fine! How about I take you home to warm you up and you can stay there while I look for your parents?"

"That would be nice..."

"Yeah! What's your name kid?"

"[Name], what about you?"



You sat on a couch blankly looking at the fire. Memories am I right? Anyways the man now known as ranboo stared at you with interest. Tubbo would be getting home soon with Michael.

You looked away from the fire and at ranboo. You shuffled in your seat. You were really hungry but you didn't want to impose and ask for food.

Ranboo seemed to understand your look however.

"I'll go get us some food! My husband and son will be getting home soon so I'm cooking food for them too- so it might take awhile-!"

He seemed nervous, like he would be disappointing you. You however just nodded and stared back at the fire. Ranboo seemed really nervous whenever you would look at the fire. You pushed off the red flags tho.


You sat still when the front door unlocked and opened up. You looked over and saw a goat boy holding a little zombie piglin. He seemed shocked you were there and really nervous. Geez what's with these people?

He shut the door and put the child down. The child ran to you and held up their, hand? Hove? Paw? I dunno but you get what I'm saying.

You smiled and shook the kids hand. You stayed silent though, you felt werid being in this house, and something was totally off about ranboo and tubbo.

Ranboo came out of the kitchen and greeted tubbo and picked up Micheal. Ranboo led you to the dining room and you took a seat. He then came and placed down food for everyone and the room was quiet.

"So [name] ... would you like to stay the night?" Tubbo said. How did he know your name? Did ranboo tell him? How odd..

"uhm... ok..yeah sure.." you didn't like the erie vibe but you pushed off the thought. They were nice! And you didn't have anywhere else to go. You couldn't go back home, there wasn't a home left.

Tubbo smiled brightly! Their plan could work! Finally.


You sat in 'your' room. It was perfectly designed for you. Quite odd. You went to open the door to ask them about it, maybe even leave but the door wouldn't budge. There wasn't a lock on the inside. You should have paid more attention to the lock on the outside of the door. Shoot.

You banged on the door. Fear. You were scared. Terrified. It wouldn't budge. You started crying. Why were you locked in?

Tubbo and ranboo rushed into the room and tubbo went to hold you but you backed away.

"why i-is the door l- *hiccup* -ocked"

"Oh little ram, it's just a safety precaution."

"Let me out. I wanna go home"

"You are home."

"No. I'm not. Th- *hiccup* -is isn't my home. My home is gone."

"That's why you should stay here. You don't have anywhere else to go. It's not safe. Your home was burned."

"... How would you know that..?"



"*Sigh* c'mon ran they need some time to get used to us."

Tubbo and ranboo left the room. You chased after them but the door slammed in your face and locked. You continued to cry.

A/n dude I hate motivation. I've been writing this for a month 😭😭. Anyways I might make a part 2 for this and Loop. AAAAAA

FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now