"This will never be my home."hero!y!SBI x PreTeen!Reader

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Requested by: Stary_Galaxy2008
:D ]

You were running.

From what exactly? Well... One of the Top three best heros of course. You weren't a villain per-say... Maybe a anti-hero but you never did any crimes. At least not any for them to kill your parents and chase after you.

Ducking through alleyways you heard him behind you.

Just running. You know how it is.

You eventually got yourself cornered. Great job.

But no matter, He walked up to you. The famous hero Wilbur Soot

You expected him to kill you and leave. Maybe throw you in jail. that's why he's after you, right? Well if you thought that you are surely mistaken.

For he wants you.

"[Name] [Name] [Name] That runs smoothly off my tounge. But [Name] no need to be scared! I'm just... Taking you home."


You shuffled farther away from the strange man. And he noticed.

"Why are you backing away? I'm just going to take you home with me. We can be a big happy family! I'm sure Tommy will love a new little sibling. And tech is already preparing your room. So c'mon now. Come into my arms. Don't be selfish [name]."

Well he didn't wait for your response and just scooped you up. He was holding you. Like a baby. A BABY?!? Well I guess you are his baby sibling now. Without choice of course.

You had passed out in Wilburs arms and so when he got 'home' he placed you in your bed. Your new bed.

They were all huddled around you watching you sleep. Of course by they I mean the top three heros and their younger brother/son Tommy.

Now Tommy was obsessed with your being. You were so young! He finally had a younger sibling! And he would protect them with his life.

Phil. Philza. He was a happy father yeah, but he felt like something was missing. That being..? Well you. He saw you one day on patrol and told his kids all about you. How small you are compared to them. How nice you are to strangers. Well now all that's love, all that kindness, is theirs.

Technoblade. His voices already drive him slightly insane. It's hard to do his 'hero' work while they scream for blood. That's why he even took this job. Villains blood. But the voices were never satisfied. he kept looking for something. For anything! And then Phil told him about you. Maybe you were the answer. Or the question. So he of course stalked you. No harm no fowl. Everytime you were near him the voices silenced. He told Phil he needed for you to be brought here. And so you were.

And of course wilbur. That man is Abit , totally, and utterly, insane. I think he just wanted the power rush of controlling someone. But that's just a theory, A GAME THEORY.

You woke up to Technoblade sitting on a chair near your bed, probably keeping watch or something.

He spotted you awake and stared at you. You , of course, shuffled uncomfortably.

"Good morning, er afternoon, [Name]"

He awkwardly pat your head.

You only scoffed and turned your head away from him.

He sighed.

"Y'know you make the voices quiet."

You turn your head towards him confused. First a bunch if heros kidnap you and now one has voices??

"[Name] I'm so glad you're finally home."

"This will never be my home."

FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now