~the rotten sound of snow~ Y!Fundy x Child!Reader

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The forest was dark and lonely, but you had no where else to be. Your parents had disappeared, your mother for hunting, and your father for trying to find her. Of course you don't know this.

Kids don't always understand things like this. You don't even understand why you lived in the woods. It was more typical for some fox hybrids to live ruraly, and sometimes completely wild.

Some lived in caves and some lived in wood huts. No matter. You strayed from you home in hopes of finding your parents, or food. Winter was tough and with the lack of guardians you wouldn't survive.

You stumbled through the snow, your cloth clothing not holding in much heat as you bundle up for warmth. The small bag on your back holding potentially poisonous berries and water.

Your ears were flattened against your head and you tail was curls up around you leg. You wiped snow out of your face and kept on walking. You needed to find them. Or someone. Anyone.

You fall over. Again and again and again. Snow is in your clothing and the chilly air as made your face go numb. It's puffed up. You crawl over to a tree, laying your back against it.

You hug yourself and shiver. Surely you'll be fine soon..

"Just.. just a few minutes.." you rest your head on the tree and close your eyes.

Luckily your death has been stalled! Because well it so happens that a fellow fox man is stomping through the woods.

"stupid... ..bur....ma..ur..." He mumbles.

He has a coat on and a bag over his shoulder. He's out on a walk, clearly angry at something. He walks randomly, taking twists and turns. He runs his fingers through his ginger hair, and sigh stressfully.

He sighs and comes to a stop. He's finally blown off some steam. He takes in his surroundings, it's a 'lovely' day out. The trees are covered in snow and there's a dying child under- there's a dying child?!

His eyes freeze onto the child and he rushes over. Quickly checking their pulse and eyes. They are passed out and the pulse is light.

"Shit! Shit!" He curses. He takes off his coat and covers you with it quickly. He picks you up and looks around, quickly following his footsteps back the way he came and towards his house.

He slams open his door and quickly shuts it. He puts you down near the fire and grabs warming things. He makes sure to grab water and some soup he left on the stove. He puts his hat on your head and makes sure you stay warm.

He stays by you for about a hour, until you wake up. He pets your head. You try to sit up.

"Whoa! Not so fast there. Shhh. Be careful." He says in a panic, making sure your calm. He helps you sit up.

"Who are you!? Where am I? Where's- where's- where's my ma-" you start questioning.

"Shhh.. it's okay.. your safe. Im- I'm fundy.." he pets your head, moving hair out of your face. "I uhm.. found you out in the woods.. dying.. your still quite hurt so you might have to stay here for a few days.. then we can find whatever you were looking for.. okay?"

"...uhm.. okay I guess.." you hesitantly agreed. You didn't know this man but he seemed kind, he would heal you then help you look for your mom and dad! That wasn't bad!

"Yeah.. everything will be fine.. what uhm.. what were you looking for out there?" He questions as he pulls out some soup, slowly feeding it to you.

"My.. my parents- they- they left and- and haven't came back.. mama was looking for food and then dad left- I waited but ran out of food... Needed to find them.." you mumble out the story.

FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now