~Powerless~ The election.

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Y!Dadschlatt x Preteen!Gn!Reader

Yo- first oneshot back??? I'm very ill and had random motivation sooo-

Not entirely accurate to lore. Some of it strictly follows it, some will be not accurate cause it's hard to have it accurate and some will go off script because yk

Alot of it is just plot filler and not getting to the main bit. So ig slow burn.

Pretty lengthy. Honestly could be a book. (Istg if I had more time and motivation I would do that)

Alot is going off of the election stream because yk, that's when this is set. So part of it is plot the other is just things I like or think fits the character.

Also your implied age is 12/13


The election was an interesting thing per say. You were never to close with Wilbur on the whole 'L'manburg' thing but you were still kinda close. You just wish he was a better father to your nephew Fundy. Even if your nephew was older than you. Tommy however was a great guy and tubbo was your best friend and brother. Yes it was biological! You had little goat horns and legs. The ears, tail, etc. The whole shabang. Tommy and Wilbur were also your brothers but that wasn't biological. You were adopted:>

You and tubbo had been abandoned at a very young age. Tubbo even remembered your father but never said anything for some reason. You were too 'young' and 'naive'. Which is total bs altho somewhat true in some ways. You never knew your mother.

Today was the day. The day of the election! You were excited and nervous.

A man dropped off two young children at a door. One child was around 4 and the other was a baby. The older child had brown hair and the youngest had faint [color] hair. The man put a hat on the youngest head before standing up away from them. He rang the doorbell and ran. He hid behind a tree.The rain was pouring and there was thunder causing the young children to cry.

The man was a drunk and was a terrible father. The children had a terrible home life and we're filthy. The man watched what happened when the door opened and when it closed he darted away.

A tall man with wings and a hat walked outside after hearing the doorbell. He looked down to see two children and sighed before picking them up. He had had this experience once before when someone dropped off techno. Luckily the family loved techno and Wilbur even called him his twin.

The man, known as philza, brought the children in from the cold. He got some of Tommy's clothes to replace Tubbo's wet and dirty ones. He found some of Wilbur's baby clothes to replace your for the time being.

W:"Dad- oh. Who are they?"

P:"hm" he read the cards attached to tubbo's bag and your basket. "Tubbo and [name]"


Tommy at first hated the addition to his family but soon grew close with tubbo and [name]. Tubbo was older but Tommy took being a big brother to you very seriously!

You and techno were always close aswell. Always reading and learning different things. He would tell you different tales of Greek mythology and culture.

FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now