~Best Friends Forever!~ Y!Jack manifold x Preteen!Reader

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Jack canonically raised himself from the dead so I gave him demon horns from the limbo!


Before revivebur and around the dream gets imprisonment arc.

This is a request from KitKatAuthor and also I didn't know if you meant Preteen reader or just Platonic but you write platonic yandere stories with child readers so I guessed.
(Seriously though people go read their stories)

Not proofread like none of my writing is so it'll probably have spelling errors

You walked around the new snowy biome. Tubbo had made a new town called snow chester and you wanted to check it out! After everything that had happened with l'manburg you had distanced yourself from everyone. It was probably your attempt to 'cure' your trauma. But you had to get out sometime and hopefully reunite with your friends. You already talked to Tommy and eret. Now you were going to talk to tubbo.

You didn't know where to find Niki or Fundy or Jack but Tommy told you this is where tubbo resided. You looked around at the nice building's and decided to play around abit in the snow. You kicked the snow around before deciding to walk forward.

You spotted a friendly fellow off in the distance and squinted to get a better look. As soon as you recognized him you ran forward towards him. He saw you running at him and sighed. Great another old friend that would not know who he is, criticize him and eventually forget about his existence again.



You ran up to him practically bouncing in your snow boots as you looked up at him. He looked confused but put on a weary smile.

"Jack! How have you been? It's been awhile- where have you been- I was looking for you but no one knew where you were so I came to see tubbo but I'm so glad I ran into you!!"

He was taken aback by all your questions. You...cared...about him? Him? And you were looking for him? This is interesting.. you were one of his past friends who didn't treat him like shit or ignore him.

"Oh uh- I've just been around. Where have you been? No one's seen you."

He has searched for all of his friends when l'manburg was over. Tommy was ignoring him, Niki was... interesting. Fundy disappeared and you were just gone.

"Oh I uh.. y'know- uh. Sometimes people need a break from everyone and everything- but I'm back! And better than ever!"

You smiled brightly before looking up at jacks head.

"Why the fuck do you have horns? Are you okay?"

You walked closer to Jack and pulled his face down into your hands so you could see his horns. He stuttered at the contact of your hands and the way you cared for him. He's never had someone care for him before.

"uhm. I died..?"

"... Jack what the fuck? How did you get back- did dream revive you? How the fuck-"

"No I'm fine! I uhm crawled out of hell..-"

"WAIT REALLY? I mean- wait. Really?"

He giggled before pulling his head out of your hands and holding one of your hands instead.

FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now