~Car ride~ Y!Randad x young teen reader

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Yo has anyone seen the pov car stream?


If you haven't seen it- go watch it seriously it's a hilarious stream.

But anyways this chapter is based of that stream(mainly chat) and a nightmare I had. YIPPIE!!

But seriously I watched this video after I got outta the hospital so it kinda has a safe place in my heart, yk?

This isn't really dsmp but ykw, I wanted to write about this so I did. It's not your book so you can't do anything loser/hj

Your eyes shifted open to a dim room. You didn't know where you were but the room looked familiar. You tried to move but saw your arms tied up and your legs...were snapped. Broken if you will. They were covered in plaster and a homemade cast. It had one signature.

It was too dim to see it clearly but you read "Dad:)". That's odd. You lived with your mother after your dad lost custody for being insane. He was supposed to live very far away from you and take prescription pills. Supposedly he lived in Kansas? You don't exactly remember what happened but that was 6 months ago.

You couldn't move due to the ropes and you were in too much pain to try. The gag, that you now noticed, was itchy. You squirmed in your spot. You now know where you are.

The door to the room opened up, showering the room in light. Ranboo, your father, stood at the door. His smile widened as he saw that you were awake.

"[Name]! You're awake!! How delightful! Now we can start our trip!"


"Oh right the gag! Unfortunately I can't take it off yet- but don't worry!! You'll love the surprise I have planned!"

You let out some sad, pained mumbles into the gag.

"What's wrong? Oh. You must want your pain meds! I'll go get them, don't...go anywhere. Hah! Get it? Cause you can't walk? Oh boy! Okay, I'll be right back!!"

Ranboo was clearly experiencing his delusions and he still had his...attachment to you.

He rushed back into the room with a bottle of high pain meds. How did he even get those..?

"I've got them!!" He walked closer to you and slide of the gag before slapping his hand with the medicine over your mouth, forcing you to take it. "Okay swallow it!"

You swallowed it and looked up at him scared. How can one man be so enthusiastic about kidnapping someone?

"Good!!" He slid the gag back on and started to pat your head. "I just know your going to love the surprise! I wish you could've woken up in the car so you wouldn't have to see all of this..mess- but unfortunately the medicine didn't last that long and I only had enough time to get you home!!"

His eye twitched when he "remembers" how your mother stole you from him. Curses. He crouched down to your height and held your face.

"But I'm glad you agreed to go on a road trip with your dear ol' dad!"


"I'm going to get the car ready really quick then I'll come get you. Okay?"

He forced your head to nod.


Ranboo snuck into an apartment complex. He always made sure that he kept tabs on where you were. He knew whenever you moved, who you made friends with. You know just light stalking. Maybe he was breaking the restring order but who cares!! He would have still been living with you if not for your stupid mother. She called him psychotic and crazy, she took you away from him.

FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now