Loop ~ Y!Manhunt!Dream Team x F!Reader

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((Request from: FloofyCatThickRat
I had alot of fun with this one! Might even make a part 2 who knows! >:] ))


You walked around the new area wondering where you were. The grass crunched under your shoes as you trudged towards the lights you saw in the distance.

You walked up towards a village. 'good place to stay for a night. Maybe longer depending on my mood' You walked up towards a house and stole the bed. (Bed Thief??😱)

You stayed the night and did your thing before heading off again. Good thing you stacked up and food.

You saw more light ahead which didn't make sense. A village shouldn't spawn this close by. (Don't fact check me I don't know ;-;)

You decided to check it out. It seemed to be a house. By that I mean it looked very...odd? Ey doesn't matter, just gotta figure out who lives here.

You walked around the house before deciding to knock on the door. Who knows you could make some friends! It can be kinda lonely sometimes.

A man ,with raven black hair and a white band in his hair, opened the door. He seemed shocked and Abit flushed looking at you.

You extended your hand and smiled.

"Hello I'm [name]. Just saw your house while passing by decided to say hi so- uh- wassup-?"

He stared at you and smiled.

"I'm Sapnap, nice to meet you"

He took you hand ,that was held up for a handshake, and kissed the top of your hand.

"uhm- I should be on my way it was nice to meet you!"

You awkwardly began to shuffle off before he grabbed your hand.

"No please, stay for a drink! We have tea,soda, tons of stuff!"

"You named two options-"

"NOT IMPORTANT! just please"

You sighed before agreeing and walked inside. You took in the interior. It was very home like (idk man 💀) and slightly cottagecore.

"So take a seat!"

"uhm like literally or-??"

"AHAH! please don't take a seat literally George would kill me!"

"o k"


A man with brown hair and some goggles atop his head, walked into the room and stared at you.

"Whos- that-?"

He looked over at Sapnap as if he were nervous.

"Oh! Gogy this is [name] my good friend , [Name] this is George my other good friend!"

Did he just call you a good friend? You just met today- and he has been quite persistent on keeping you here with him. It's Abit creepy but it's not like in the moment you don't avoid the red flags.









"Hate to ruin your 'moment' but dream will be getting home soon sap."


FINISHED//ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍsᴍᴘ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇsʜᴏᴛsWhere stories live. Discover now