from cradle to grave

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Hayley sits in a rocking chair in the babies room, where she is writing a letter. Klaus enters the room and leans in the doorway

Writing a love letter to one of your many suitors? So, who's the lucky recipient, then? [He smiles] Jackson? Or, Elijah? [Hayley rolls her eyes at him] Don't tell me it's me? [They both laugh] I thought I was out of the running ages ago!

[laughs] And the award for "Biggest Ego" goes to...

[She gestures toward Klaus, who continues to laugh. Suddenly, she groans when both of the babies starts to kick]


[Klaus walks toward Hayley, looking concerned]

How are our littlest wolf and tiniest wolf ?

Do you want to...?

[She rubs her baby bump expectantly. Klaus steps back, looking nervous, but Hayley gives him a look]

Come on!

[She gestures again to her belly. Klaus reaches out and touches her abdomen, and he's startled when he feels both of the babies kick]

[laughs] You feel that?

[They both laugh in amazement, but after a moment, Klaus suddenly feels awkward and stands up]

Right! I'll leave you to your secret letter, then!

[Klaus rushes off, and Hayley smiles as she thinks about Klaus and the babies. In voiceover, Hayley narrates her letter as the scene cuts to Hayley giving birth with help from the witches]

HAYLEY: [voiceover] Dear Zoe and Layla...or Kaitlyn and Hadleigh ...or Angela and Haven. To my little girls. Your dad just asked if this was a love letter. I guess it kind of is. I never got to know my mother. I have no idea what she must have thought when she carried me

[In the present, Hayley, who is in the middle of labor, screams at Genevieve and Monique as they stand around her]

AHHHH! Let go of me, you bitch!

[voiceover] So, I thought I'd write to you, so you can know how happy I am at this very moment. How much your father and I can't wait to meet the two of you

[In the present, Klaus limps into the hospital and finds the witches with Hayley, who is shocked and relieved to see him. Klaus lunges toward one of the witch guards and rips his head off. Abigail and Genevieve link hands and telekinetically pin Klaus to the wall]

[voiceover] And, I want to make the two of you a promise of three things that you will have that I never did: a safe home, someone to tell you that they love you every single day, and someone to fight for you, no matter what.

[In the present, Klaus fights against the spell pinning him to the wall, but he cannot get free. Monique and Abigail anchor the spell and go back to helping Hayley]


HAYLEY: [voiceover] In other words, a family. So, there you go, baby girls. The rest, we're going to have to figure out together. I love you both so much all ready. Your mom

[Klaus and Hayley watch fearfully as Genevieve grabs the ceremonial athame that was used for the Harvest. Hayley continues to scream in agony and terror as Genevieve turns to address both Hayley and Klaus]

You should know this brings me no joy. I promise I'll make it quick.

[One of the witches covers Hayley's lower half with a sheet]

Let's begin, shall we?



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